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Foliar and soil 15N natural abundances provide field evidence on nitrogen dynamics in temperate and boreal forest ecosystems Cheng S L,方华军*,于贵瑞等 Plant Soil 2010 337 285–297
Estimation and Spatiotemporal Analysis of Methane Emissions from Agriculture in China 付超, 于贵瑞* Environmental Management 2010 46 618–632
Estimating Wenchuan Earthquake induced landslides based on remote sensing 张文江, Lin J Y, Peng J等 International Journal of Remote Sensing 2010 31 13 3495–3508
Estimated carbon residence times in three forest ecosystems of eastern China: Applications of probabilistic inversion 张黎, Luo Y Q*,于贵瑞等 Journal of Geophysical Research 2010 115
Effects of temperature, glucose and inorganic nitrogen inputs on carbon mineralization in a Tibetan alpine meadow 宋明华, 蒋婧, Cao G M European Journal of Soil Biology 2010 46 375-380
Effects of soil erosion and deposition on soil organic carbon dynamics at a sloping field in Black Soil region, Northeast China Cheng S L , 方华军*, Zhu T H等 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2010 56 521–529
Effect of Altitude on the Response of Net Photosynthetic Rate to Carbon Dioxide Increase by Spring Wheat Fujimura S, 石培礼, Iwama K*等 Plant Prod. Sci 2010 13 2 141―149
Drivers of soil net nitrogen mineralization in the temperate grasslands in Inner Mongolia, China 刘杏认, Dong Y S , Ren J Q, Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst 2010 87 59–69
Detecting forest degradation in Kochi, Japan: ground-based measurements versus satellite (Terra/ASTER) remote sensing Matsushita B*, 徐明, Onda Y等 Hydrological Processes 2010 24 588–595
Crop response of aerobic rice and winter wheat to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a double cropping system 戴晓琴, Zhang H Y, Spiertz J. H. J.等 Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst 2010 86 301–315
Climate change induced range shifts of Galliformes in China 李仁强, Tian H D, Li X H* Integrative Zoology 2010 27 6 1372–1379
Chinese ecosystem research network: Progress and perspectives Fu B J*, 李胜功, 于秀波 Ecological Complexity 2010 7 225–233
Characteristics of δ18O in precipitation over Eastern Monsoon China and the water vapor sources Liu J R, Song X F*, 袁国富等 Chinese Science Bulletin 2010 55 200―211
Changes in near-surface wind speed in China: 1969–2005 Guo H, 徐明, Hu Q International Journal of Climatology 2010
Changes in individual plant traits and biomass allocation in alpine meadow with elevation variation on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 马维玲,石培礼,李文华等 Science China: Life Sciences 2010 53 9 1142-1151
CH4 uptake flux of Leymus chinensis steppe during rapid growth season in Inner Mongolia, China Geng Y B*, Luo G Q, 袁国富 Science China: Earth Sciences 2010 53 7 977–983
Carbon balance of a primary tropical seasonal rain forest Tan Z H, Zhang Y P, 于贵瑞等 Journal Of Geophysical Research 2010 115
Buffer Index Effects on Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements Using Numerical Simulations of Double-Ring Infiltration 来剑斌,罗毅,任蕾 Soil Science Society of America Journal 2010 74 5 1526-1536
Bioenergy Sustainability in China: Potential and Impacts Zhuang J*, Gentry R.W.,于贵瑞等 Environmental Management 2010 46 525-530
A multilingual metadata catalog for the ILTER: Issues and approaches Vanderbilt K L*. , Blankman D, 郭学兵等 Ecological Informatics 2010 5 187–193
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