论文题目 |
第一作者 |
联系作者 |
刊物名称 |
年 |
卷 |
期 |
页 |
基于CEVSA2模型的亚热带人工针叶林长期碳通量及碳储量模拟 |
顾峰雪; 陶波; 温学发等 |
生态学报 |
2010 |
1940—2002年长江中下游平原乡村景观区域中耕地类型及其土壤氮磷储量的变化?? |
武俊喜; 程序; 焦加国等 |
生态学报 |
2010 |
GIS和遥感技术在生态安全评价与生物多样性保护中的应用?? |
李文杰; 张时煌; |
生态学报 |
2010 |
不同海拔高寒放牧草甸的生态系统呼吸与环境因子的关系?? |
付刚; 周宇庭; 沈振西等 |
生态环境学报 |
2010 |
离子树脂法测定森林穿透雨氮素湿沉降通量——以千烟洲人工针叶林为例 |
盛文萍; 于贵瑞; 方华军等 |
生态学报 |
2010 |
不同地理起源的油茶无性系品质的聚类分析 |
左继林; 张时煌; 龚春等 |
江西林业科技 |
2010 |
Spatiotemporal Pattern of Soil Respiration of Terrestrial Ecosystems in China: The Development of a Geostatistical Model and Its Simulation |
于贵瑞* , Zheng Z M , 王秋凤等 |
Environmental Science & Technology |
2010 |
44 |
6074–6080 |
Spatiotemporal change in China’s climatic growing season: 1955–2000 |
Liu B H, Henderson M, Zhang Y D等 |
Climatic Change |
2010 |
99 |
93–118 |
Short-term effect of increasing nitrogen deposition on CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China |
姜春明*, 于贵瑞, 方华军等 |
Atmospheric Environment |
2010 |
44 |
2920-2926 |
Seasonal groundwater contribution to crop-water use assessed with lysimeter observations and model simulations |
罗毅*, Sophocleous M |
Journal of Hydrology |
2010 |
389 |
325–335 |
Seasonal and interannual variations in water vapor exchange and surface water balance over a grazed steppe in central Mongolia |
刘帅, 李胜功*, 于贵瑞等 |
Agricultural Water Management |
2010 |
97 |
857–864 |
Roles of the combined irrigation, drainage, and storage of the canal network in improving water reuse in the irrigation districts along the lower Yellow River, China. |
刘蕾, 罗毅*, He C S |
Journal of Hydrology |
2010 |
391 |
157–174 |
Precipitation-use efficiency along a 4500-km grassland transect |
胡中民, 于贵瑞, 樊江文等 |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
2010 |
19 |
842–851 |
N2O fluxes from the native and grazed semi-arid steppes and their driving factors in Inner Mongolia, China |
刘杏认, Dong Y S*, Qi Y C |
Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst |
2010 |
86 |
231–240 |
Monitoring the 2008 cold surge and frozen disasters snowstorm in South China based on regional ATOVS data assimilation |
Lu Q F, 张文江*, Zhang Peng等 |
Science China Earth Sciences |
2010 |
53 |
1216–1228 |
Modeling the impact of drought on canopy carbon and water fluxes for a subtropical evergreen coniferous plantation in southern China through parameter optimization using an ensemble Kalman filter |
Ju W M*, 王绍强, 于贵瑞等 |
Biogeosciences |
2010 |
7 |
845–857 |
Modeling the effects of nitrogen deposition on carbon budget in two temperate forests |
Gu F X, Zhang Y D,陶波*等 |
Ecological Complexity |
2010 |
7 |
139–148 |
Implementing Integrated River Basin Management in China |
Boekhorst D G. J.. Smits T J. M. , 于秀波等 |
Ecology and Society |
2010 |
15 |
2 |
99-119 |
Impacts of climate change on winter wheat growth in Panzhuang Irrigation District, Shandong Province |
刘玉洁*,袁国富 |
Journal of Geographical Sciences |
2010 |
20 |
6 |
861-875 |
Global estimates of evapotranspiration and gross primary production based on MODIS and global meteorology data. |
Yuan W P*, Liu S G, 于贵瑞* |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
2010 |
114 |
1416–1431 |