主要学术论著: [1] Zhan C.S., Song X.M., Xia J., Tong C. 2013.An efficient integrated approach for global sensitivity analysis of hydrological model parameters. Environmental Modelling & Software, 41: 39-52. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.10.009. [SCI] [2] Zhan C.S., Z.X. Xu, A.Z. Ye, H.B. Su. 2011. LUCC and its impact on run-off yield in the Bai River catchment--upstream of the Miyun Reservoir basin. Journal of Plant Ecology, 4(1-2): 61-66. DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtr003 [SCI] [3] Zhan C.S., Xia J., Chen Z., Zuo Q.T. 2008. An integrated hydrological and meteorological approach for the long-term simulation of terrestrial evapotranspiration. Journal of Hydrological Sciences, 53(6):1151-1164. DOI:10.1623/hysj.53.6.1151 [SCI] [4] Zhan, C.S., Zhang Yong-qiang, Xia Jun. 2012. Hydrologic response to climate variability and human activities in Chao River catchment near Beijing. Water International, 37(5): 585-597. [SCI] [5] Zhan C. S., Niu Cunwen, Song Xiao-meng, Xu Chong-yu. 2012. The impacts of climate change and human activities on streamflow in Bai River basin, Northern China. Hydrology Research, DOI:10.2166/nh.2012.146. [SCI] [6] Song Xiao-meng, Zhan C.S.*, Xia Jun. Integration of statistical emulator approach with SCE-UA method in parameter optimization of hydrological model. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57(26):3397-3403. DOI: 10.1007/s11434-012-5305-x. (通讯作者) [SCI] [7] Song X.M., Zhan C.S.*, Xia J., Kong F.Z. 2012. An efficient global sensitivity analysis approach for distributed hydrological model. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 22(2): 209-224. DOI: 10.1007/s11442-012-0922-5. (通讯作者) [SCI] [8] Zhang, R.R., Zhan, C.S.*, He, Z.P., Song, X.M. 2012. A review of environmental multimedia models. Environmental Forensics, 13(3): 12–35. (通讯作者) [SCI] [9] Song X.M., Zhan C.S.*, Kong F.Z., Xia J. 2011. Advances in the study of uncertainty quantification of large-scale hydrological modeling system. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 21(5): 801-819. DOI: 10.1007/s11442-011-0881-2. (通讯作者) [SCI] [10] X. M. Song, F. Z. Kong, C. S. Zhan*, et al. 2011. A Hybrid Optimization Rainfall-Runoff Simulation Based on Xinanjiang Model and Artificial Neural Network, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000548. (通讯作者) [SCI] [11] Zhan C. S., Zhao J., Wang H. X. and Yin J. 2011. Quantitative estimation of land surface evapotranspiration in Taiwan based on MODIS data. Water Science and Engineering, 4(3): 237-245. [12] Zhan C. S., Xu Z. X., Wu Y. D. and Xue M. J. 2009. LUCC and its impact on runoff and soil erosion in Chao river catchment of Miyun reservoir basin. J. Sichuan Uni. 41(2):148-153. [13] 占车生, 尹剑, 王会肖. 2013. 基于双层模型的沙河流域蒸散发定量遥感估算,自然资源学报, 28(1):161-170. [14] 占车生, 乔晨, 徐宗学, 金惠淑. 2012. 渭河流域近50年来气候变化趋势及突变分析. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 48(4): 399-405 [15] 占车生, 李玲, 王会肖, 赵洁. 2011. 台湾地区蒸发的遥感估算与时空分析, 遥感技术与应用,26(4): 1-8. [16] 占车生, 乔晨, 徐宗学, 尹剑. 2011. 基于遥感的渭河关中地区生态景观格局变化研究. 资源科学, 33(12): 1-7. [17] 占车生,夏军. 2010. 中国陆面蒸散发量的遥感反演及时空格局, 北京:知识产权出版社. [18] 宋晓猛 占车生 夏军 张永勇. 2013. 流域水文模型参数不确定性量化理论方法与应用,中国水利水电出版社 招生专业:自然地理学 招生方向:水文学及水资源研究,流域水循环模拟及其不确性量化,气候变化对区域水资源的影响研究 联系方式: 电话/传真:010-64888975 电子邮件:zhancs@igsnrr.ac.cn
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