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辽宁盘锦人,博士,博士生导师,研究员。2010年毕业于中国科学院水土保持与生态环境研究中心,获土壤学博士学位。20107月至今在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所工作。主要从事森林植物-土壤相互作用机理及其生态效应研究。主持国家973计划项目子课题、科技部重点研发项目子课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目等。发表论文63篇,第一/通讯作者SCI论文19篇(单篇SCI他引最高168次),包括2篇亮点论文,1F1000 Prime论文,2ESI高被引论文。获中国科学院院长优秀奖(2010年)、陕西省自然科学奖一等奖3/6, 2020年),入选中科院地理资源所可桢-秉维青年人才计划(2020),担任中国自然资源学会森林资源专业委员会副秘书长(2018至今)。  




1. Jiang P, Meinzer F C, Fu X*, Kou L, Dai X, Wang H*. Tradeoffs between xylem water and carbohydrate storage among 24 coexisting subtropical understory shrub species spanning a spectrum of isohydry. Tree Physiology, 2021, 41:403-415亮点论文  

2. Jiang P, Wang H, Meinzer F C, Kou L, Dai X, Fu X*. Linking reliance on deep soil water to resource economy strategies and abundance among coexisting understory shrub species in subtropical pine plantations. New Phytologist, 2020, 225:222-233亮点论文  

3. Jiang P, Meinzer FC, Wang H, Kou L, Dai X, Fu X*. Belowground determinants and ecological implications of shrub species’ degree of isohydry in subtropical pine plantations. New Phytologist, 2020, 226: 1656–1666  

4. 陈奕帆,付晓莉*,王辉民,戴晓琴,寇亮,陈伏生,卜文圣. 林下植被清除对不同径级中龄杉木生长速率的影响机制.林业科学,2020,5611):21-30  

5. Fu X, Meinzer FC, Woodruff DR, Liu Y, Smith DD, McCulloh KA, Howard AR. Coordination and tradeoffs between leaf and stem hydraulic traits and stomatal regulation along a spectrum of isohydry to anisohydry. Plant Cell & Environment, 2019, 42:2245–2258  

6. Fu X, Meinzer FC*. Metrics and proxies for stringency of regulation of plant water status (iso/anisohydry): a global data set reveals coordination and tradeoffs among water transport traits. Tree Physiology, 2019,39:122-134.ESI高被引论文  

7. Jiang P, Wang H, Fu X*, Dai X, Kou L, Wang J. Elaborate differences between trees and understory plants in the deployment of fine roots. Plant Soil, 2018, 431:433-447.  

8. Wang J, Di Y, Dai X, Xu M, Fu X*, Wang H*, Wang Y. Response of soil microbial communities to site preparation before afforestation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2018, 48: 535–541.  

9. Fu X*, Guo D, Wang H*, Dai X, Li M, Chen F. Differentiating between root- and leaf-litter controls on the structure and stability of soil micro-food webs. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2017, 113: 192-200.F1000 Prime论文  

10. Yang F, Feng Z, Wang H, Dai X, Fu X*. Deep soil water extraction helps to drought avoidance but shallow soil water uptake during dry season controls the inter-annual variation in tree growth in four subtropical plantations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2017, 234:106–114  

11. Fu X, Wang J, Wang H*, Dai X, Yang F, Zhao M. Response of the fine root production, phenology, and turnover rate of six shrub species from a subtropical forest to a soil moisture gradient and shading. Plant Soil, 2016, 399:135-146.  

12. Wang J, Wang H*, Fu X*, Xu M, Wang Y. Effects of site preparation treatments before afforestation on soil carbon release. Forest Ecology and Management, 2016, 361:277-285.  

13. Fu X, Wang J, Di Y, Wang H*. Differences in fine-root biomass of trees and understory vegetation among stand types in subtropical forests. PLoS ONE,2015,10(6): e0128894.  

14. Fu X*, Yang F, Wang J, Di Y, Dai X, Zhang X, Wang H. Understory vegetation leads to changes in soil acidity and in microbial communities 27 years after reforestation. Science of the Total Environment, 2015,502: 280-286.  

15. 王君龙,王辉民,付晓莉*,杨风亭,陈伏生,2015.种内竞争和残落物覆盖对杉木和木细根形态特征的影响.生态学杂志,343):596-603.  

16. Fu X, Shao M*, Wei X, Wang H, Zeng C. Effects of monovegetation restoration types on soil water distribution and balance on a hillslope in Northern Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2013, 18(4), 413–421.  

17. Fu X, Shao M*, Wei X, Wang H. Soil respiration as affected by vegetation types in a semiarid region of China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition,2013, DOI: 10.1080/00380768.2013.821935.  

18. Fu X, Shao M*, Lu D, Wang H. Soil water characteristic curve measurement without bulk density changes and its implications in the estimation of soil hydraulic properties. Geoderma, 2011, 167-168: 1-8.  

19. Fu X, Shao M*, Wei X, Horton R. Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen as affected by vegetation types in Northern Loess Plateau of China. Geoderma, 2010, 155:31–35.(ESI高被引论文)  

20. Fu X, Shao M*, Wei X, Horton R. Potential urea-derived nitrogen losses caused by ammonia volatilization and nitrogen leaching in a rainfed semiarid region, China. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science, 2010, 60(6): 560-568.  

21. Fu X, Shao M*, Wei X, Horton R. Effects of two perennials, fallow and millet on distribution of phosphorous in soil and biomass on sloping loess land, China. Catena,2009, 77:200–206  

22. 付晓莉,邵明安,吕殿青.土壤持水特征测定中质量含水量、吸力和容重三者间定量关系.原状土壤[J].土壤学报.2008451):50-55  

23. 付晓莉,邵明安*.一种改进的土壤压实模型及试验研究[J].农业工程学报,2007, 234):1-5  

24. 付晓莉,邵明安*.SWCC测定过程中的容重变化对SWCC参数的影响.水土保持学报,2007, 213):178-182  









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