福建长乐人,国家杰出青年基金与国家优秀青年基金获得者,并担任中国科学院-财政部“土壤、湿地和植被生态系统碳汇精准核算” 基础研究团队首席负责人。现任中国科学院特聘核心研究员、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所博导,同时兼任中国科学院大学岗位教授。曾获得中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员、中国科学院“卢嘉锡青年优秀人才”与“秉维优秀青年人才”,并于2021年获得青藏高原青年科技奖以。兼任National Science Open (NSO)、Carbon Research、《中国水土保持科学》、《北京林业大学学报》、《湖泊科学》和《南水北调与水利科技》等杂志编委。已发表论文180多篇,其中SCI论文150多篇,代表性论文包括:National Science Review、Earth-Science Reviews、Science Bulletin、Water Research、The Innovation、ES&T和The Innovation Geoscience等期刊。
主要研究领域:1. 监测与评估陆-水-气温室气体排放通量,定量解析水文过程驱动下的CO2、CH4及N2O生物地球化学机制;2. 提出精准核算内陆水体固碳的三维立体评估方法,构建内陆水体固碳潜力评估模型;3. 揭示水体总初级生产力与碳循环的维持机制,解析水体碳代谢与生产力格局对全球变化的响应;4. 揭示氮沉降对流域碳循环的影响,阐明区域碳-氮-水耦合循环及其驱动机制.
1. Shen D, Li Y, Wang YF, Huo SL, Liu Y, Jia JJ, Wang SY, Sun K, Gao Y*. The shifting carbon evasion and uptake status of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau lakes under global climate change. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 2024
2. Gao Y*, Wang SY, Chen LY, Wu F, Yu GR*. Achieving accurate regional carbon sink accounting and its associated significance for “missing” carbon sinks. The Innovation, 2024
3. Gao Y*, Jia JJ, Lu Y, Sun K, Wang J, Wang SY. Carbon transportation, transformation, and sedimentation processes at the land-river-estuary continuum. Fundamental Research, doi.org/10.1016/j.fmre.2022.07.007
4. Shen D, Wang YF, Jia JJ, Huo SL, Wang SY, Sun K, Gao Y*. Climate change reductions in lake ice cover duration and thickness help regulate the carbon sink potential of plateau type lakes. National Science Open
5. Sun K, Deng WQ, Jia JJ, Gao Y*. Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of phytoplankton primary productivity in China's lakes and reservoirs at a national scale. Global and Planetary Change, 2023, 228, 104215
6. Sun K, Jia JJ, Wang SY, Gao Y*. Real-time and dynamic estimation of CO2 emissions from China’s lakes and reservoirs. The Innovation Geoscience, 2023, 1(3), 100031
7. Jia JJ, Dungait JAJ, Lu Y, Cui T, Yu GR, Gao Y*. Inland water metabolic carbon processes and associated biological mechanisms that drive carbon source-sink instability. The Innovation Geoscience, 2023, 1(3), 100035
8. Lu Y, Gao Y*, Jia JJ, Wang SY, Ha XR, Li ZX. Determining whether an 18/16O technology threshold exists in estimating lake primary productivity and associated metabolism. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 155, 110956
9. Ha XR, Gao Y*, Jia JJ, Sun K, Wang SY. Estimated microplastic stress and potential affiliated toxic elements on phytoplankton in a floodplain-lake system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30, 112836–112846
10. Li ZX, Gao Y*, Wang SY, Jia JJ, Ha XR, Lu Y. Floodplain Lake response to climate-nutrient-hydrological pressure revealed through phytoplankton community succession over the past century. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 623, 129838
11. Hao Z, Gao Y*, Yang Y, Zhang QW. Determining nitrogen fate by hydrological pathways and impact on carbonate weathering in an agricultural karst watershed. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2023, 11, 327-338
12. 高扬*#, 罗飚, 沈迪, 贾珺杰, 陆瑶, 王朔月. 2023. 青藏高原水体碳源汇过程的重新认知与挑战. 湖泊科学, 35(6): 35(6): 1853-1865
13. 陆瑶, 黄良波, 贾珺杰, 高扬*. 2023. 内陆水体初级生产力评估方法研究进展. 地球科学进展, 38(1): 57-69
14. Jia JJ, Gao Y*, Sun K, Wang SY, Wang J, Li ZX, Lu Y, Deng WQ, Ha XR. Drawdown zone can shift a floodplain-lake system from a steady carbon source to an unsteady carbon sink. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 327, 109224
15. Jia JJ, Sun K, Lyn SD, Li MX, Wang YF, Yu GR, Gao Y*. Determining whether carbon sinks or sources the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau waterbodies behaved over the past 20 years. Science Bulletin, 2022, 67, 2345-2357
16. Jia JJ, Gao Y*#, Qin BQ, Dungait JAJ, Liu Y, Lu Y, Shi K, Yu GR#. Evolving geographical gross primary productivity patterns in global lake systems and controlling mechanisms of associated phytoplankton communities since the 1950s. Earth-Science Reviews, 2022, 234, 104221
17. Li ZX, Gao Y*, Wang SY, Zhang K, Lin Q, Jia JJ, Lu Y. Lake pigment characteristics and their applicability in reconstructing phytoplankton communities under irregular hydrological regulation in a floodplain lake system. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 614, 128575
18. Lu Y, Gao Y*, Jia JJ, Wang SY, Sun K, Ha XR, Li ZX. Water conveyance-type lake systems shift toward carbon sources under regulatory balanced water level metabolic processes. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2022, 6(10), 2400–2411
19. Wang SY, Gao Y*, Jia JJ, Lu Y, Wang J, Ha XR, Li ZX, Sun K. Determining whether hydrological processes drive carbon source and sink conversion shifts in a large floodplain-lake system in China. Water Research, 2022, 224, 119105
20. Deng WQ, Sun K*, Jia JJ, Ha XR, Lu Y, Wang SY, Li ZX, Gao Y*. Evolving phytoplankton primary productivity patterns in typical Tibetan Plateau lake systems and associated driving mechanisms since the 2000s. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 2022, 28, 100825
21. Jia JJ, Gao Y*, Sun K, Lu Y, Wang J, Shi K. Phytoplankton community composition, carbon sequestration, and associated regulatory mechanisms in a floodplain lake system. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 306,119411
22. Shen D, Wang YF*, Jia JJ, Wang J, Wang F*, Lu Y, Ha XR, Wang SY, Li ZX, Gao Y*. Trace metal spatial patterns and associated ecological toxic effects on phytoplankton in Qinghai–Tibet Plateau lake systems along with environmental gradients. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 610, 127892
23. Gao Y*#, Lu Y#, Dungait JAJ#, Liu JB, Lin SH, Jia JJ, Yu GR*. The “regulator” function of viruses on ecosystem carbon cycling in the Anthropocene. Frontiers in Public Health, 2022, 10, 858615
24. Gao Y*, Wang SY, Lu Y, Liu JB, Lyu SD, Sun K, Jia JJ, Li ZX, Yu GR*. Carbon budget and balance critical processes of the regional land-water-air interface: Indicating the earth system’s carbon neutrality. Science China-Earth Sciences, 2022, 65(5), 773-782 (当期封面)
25. Wang SY, Gao Y*, Jia JJ, Lu Y, Sun K, Ha XR, Li ZX, Deng WQ. Vertically stratified water source characteristics and associated driving mechanisms of particulate organic carbon in a large floodplain lake system. Water Research, 2022, 209, 117963.
26. Lu Y, Gao Y*, Dungait JAJ, Jia JJ, Sun K, Wang SY, Wang YF, Li ZX. Understanding how inland lake system environmental gradients on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau impact the geographical patterns of carbon and water sources or sink. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 604, 127219.
27. 高扬*, 王朔月, 陆瑶, 刘建宝, 吕斯丹, 孙昆, 贾珺杰, 李兆喜, 于贵瑞*. 2022. 区域陆-水-气碳收支与碳平衡关键过程对地球系统碳中和的意义.中国科学: 地球科学, 52(5), 832-841(当期封面)
28. Gao Y*, Jia JJ#, Lu Y, Yang TT, Shi K, Zhou F, Yu GR*. Determining dominating control mechanisms of inland water carbon cycling processes and associated gross primary productivity on regional and global scales. Earth-Science Reviews, 2021, 213, 103497
29. Wang SY, Lu Y, Wen XF, Sun K, Jia JJ, Li ZX, Gao Y*. Long-term effects of nitrogen deposition on carbon assimilation characteristics in the past three decades in a typical subtropical watershed. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2021, 308-309, 108561
30. Jia JJ, Wang YF, Lu Y, Shi K, Lyn SD, Gao Y*. Driving mechanisms of gross primary productivity geographical patterns for Qinghai–Tibet Plateau lake systems. Science of the total environment, 2021, 791, 148286
31. Li ZX, Gao Y*, Wang SY, Lu Y, Sun K, Jia JJ, Wang YF. Phytoplankton community response to nutrients along lake salinity and altitude gradients on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 128,107848
32. Wang SY, Gao Y*, Jia JJ, Sun K, Lyn SD, Lu Y, Li ZX, Wen XF. Water level as the key controlling regulator associated with nutrient and gross primary productivity changes in a large floodplain-lake system (Lake Poyang), China. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 599, 126414
33. Lu Y, Gao Y*, Jia JJ, Xia SX, Wen XF, Yu XB, Shi K, Li ZX, Wang SY. Revealing carbon balance characteristics in a water conveyance-type lake and differences in carbon sources through its connective hydrological channels. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 592, 125820
34. Ma MZ, Jia JJ#, Hu Y, Yang J, Lu Y, Shi K, Gao Y*. Changes in chlorophyll a and its response to characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus over the past three decades in Poyang Lake, China. Ecohydrology, 2021, 14(3),e2270
35. Lu Y, Gao Y*, Sun K, Lyu SD, Wen XF, Jia JJ, Li ZX, Wang SY. How carbon footprint responds to water circulation rates and availability at different timescales in a subtropical forest ecosystem. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2021, 5, 77-87
36. Li ZX, Gao Y*, Jia JJ, Sun K, Lyu SD, Wang SY, Lu Y, Wen XF. Sediment carbon response to water carbon content change in a large floodplain-lake system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(24), 31497-31510
37. Gao Y*, Jia JJ, Lu Y, Zhou F, Hao Z, Johnes P, Dungait JAJ, Shi K. Cascading multiscale watershed effects on differential carbon isotopic characteristics and associated hydrological process. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 588, 125139
38. Gao Y*, Zhou F, Ciais P*, Miao CY, Yang T, Jia YL, Zhou XD, Klaus BB, Yang TT, Yu GR*. Human activities aggravate nitrogen deposition pollution to inland water over China. National Science Review, 2020, 7, 430–440
39. Gao Y*, Jia JJ, Lu Y, Sun XM, Wen XF, He NP, Yang TT. Progress in watershed geography in the Yangtze River basin and the affiliated ecological security perspective in the past 20 years, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2020, 30(6), 867-880
40. Gao Y*, Yu G*. Regional coupled C-N-H2O cycle processes and associated driving mechanisms. Science China Earth Sciences, 2020, 63(9), 1227-1236
41. Lu Y, Gao Y*, Yang TT. A review of mass flux monitoring and estimation methods for biogeochemical interface processes in watersheds. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2020, 30(6): 881-907
42. Jia JJ, Gao Y*, Zhou F, Shi K, Johnes P, Dungait JAJ, Ma MZ, Lu Y. Identifying the main drivers of change of phytoplankton community structure and gross primary productivity in a river-lake system. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 583, 124633
43. Jia JJ, Gao Y*, Lu Y, Shi K, Li ZX, Wang SY. Trace metal effects on gross primary productivity and its associative environmental risk assessment in a subtropical lake, China. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 259, 113848
44. Lu Y, Gao Y*, Han N, Yan YX, Xie ZX, Jia JJ, Hao Z. Coupled carbon and silicon cycling and characteristics in a subtropical watershed, China. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 110, 105897
45. 高扬*, 于贵瑞*.区域C-N-H2O耦合循环过程及其驱动机制. 中国科学: 地球科学, 2020, 50(9): 1195–1205 (当期封面)
46. Jia JJ, Gao Y*, Song XW, Chen SB. Characteristics of phytoplankton community primary productivity response to the nutrient status of the Poyang Lake-Gan River Basin, China. Ecohydrology, 2019, 12: e2136
47. Yang YF, Wang F, Jin J, Hu SL, Gao Y*. Carbon storage potential and seasonal dynamics of phytolith from different vegetation types in a subtropical region, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(29), 29834–29844
48. Gao Y*, Hao Z, Han N, Yang J, Tian J, Song XW, Wen XF, He NP. Tracking the fate of deposited nitrogen and its redistribution in a subtropical watershed in China. Ecohydrology, 2019, e2094
49. Zhao GQ, Gao Y*, Wang L*, Hao Z, Wen XF, Song XW. Isotopically-tracked hydrological changes in carbon cycling and its sources in a Chinese subtropical forested watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 575, 1041–1051
50. Hao Z, Gao Y*, Sun XM, Wen XF, Xiong BL. Determining nitrogen and carbon footprints to reveal regional gross primary productivity and differentiation Characteristics in karst and non-karst watersheds, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 227, 1149-1160
51. Song XW, Gao Y*, Green SM, Wen XF, Dungait JAJ, Xiong BL, Quine TA, He NP. Rainfall driven transport of carbon and nitrogen along karst slopes and associative interaction characteristic. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 573, 246-254
52. Hao Z, Gao Y*, Ma MZ, Green SM, Wang J, Song XW, Dungait JAJ, Johnes P, Xiong BL, Quine TA, Sun XM*, Wen XF, He NP. Using δ13C to reveal the importance of different water transport pathways in two nested karst basins, Southwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 571, 425-436
53. Gao Y*, Jia YL, Yu GR, He NP, Zhang L, Zhu B, Wang YF. Anthropogenic reactive nitrogen deposition and associated nutrient limitation effect on gross primary productivity in inland water of China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 208, 530-540
54. Gao Y*, Ma MZ, Yang T*, Chen WL, Yang TT. Global atmospheric sulfur deposition and associated impaction on nitrogen cycling in ecosystems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 195, 1-9
55. Chen SB, Huang Y, Wang LH, Chen WL, Wang YF*, Gao Y*. Isotopic biogeochemical indicators of evapotranspiration and nitrogen flows in a check-dam catchment in the Loess Plateau, China. Land Degradation & Development, 2018, 29, 3305–3316
56. Han N, Yang YF*, Gao Y*, Hao Z, Tian J, Yang TT, Song XW. Determining phytolith-occluded organic carbon sequestration using an upgraded optimized extraction method: indicating for a missing carbon pool. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(24), 24507-24515
57. Ma MZ, Gao Y*, Song XW, Green SM, Xiong BL, Dungait JAJ, Peng T, Quine TA, Wen XF, He NP. Migration and leaching characteristics of base cation: indicating environmental effects on soil alkalinity in a karst area. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(21), 20899-20910
58. Hao Z, Gao Y*, Sun XM, Wen XF. Differential isotopic characteristics of eco-hydrologic processes in a subtropical watershed, China. Ecohydrology, 2018, e1944
59. Hao Z, Zhang XY*, Gao Y*, Xu ZW, Yang FT, Wen XF, Wang YM. Nitrogen source track and associated isotopic dynamic characteristic in a complex ecosystem: a case study of a subtropical watershed, China. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 236, 177-187
60. 高扬*, 于贵瑞. 流域生物地球化学循环与水文耦合过程及其控制机制. 地理学报,2018, 73(7): 1380-1392
61. Jia JJ, Gao Y*. Acid deposition and assessment of its critical load for the environmental health of waterbodies in a subtropical watershed, China. Journal of Hydrology, 2017, 555, 155-168
62. Song XW, Gao Y*, Green SM, Dungait JAJ, Peng T, Quine TA, Xiong BL, Wen XF, He NP. Nitrogen Loss from Karst Area in China in Recent 50 Years: An in-situ Simulated Rainfall Experiment’s Assessment. Ecology and Evolution, 2017, 1–12
63. Gao Y*, Hao Z, Yang TT, He NP, Wen XF, Yu GR. Effects of atmospheric reactive phosphorus deposition on phosphorus transport in a subtropical watershed: A Chinese case study. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 226, 69-78
64. Song XW, Gao Y*, Wen XF, Guo DL, Yu GR, He NP, Zhang JZ. Carbon sequestration potential and its eco-service function in the karst area, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017, 27(8): 967-980
65. Hao Z, Gao Y*, Yang TT. Seasonal variation of DOM and associated stoichiometry for freshwater ecosystem in the subtropical watershed: indicating the optimal C:N:P ratio. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 78, 37-47
66. Gao Y*, Yang TT, Wang YF, Yu GR. Fate of river-transported carbon in China: Implications for carbon cycling in coastal ecosystems. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2017, 3(3), e01265
67. Hao Z, Gao Y*, Yang TT, Tian J. Atmospheric wet deposition of nitrogen in a subtropical watershed in China: characteristics of and impacts on surface water quality. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(9), 8489-8503
68. Gao Y, Yu GR*, Yang TT, Jia YL, He NP, Zhuang J. New insight into global blue carbon estimation under human activity in land-sea interaction area: a case study of China. Earth-Science Reviews, 2016, 159, 36–46
69. Gao Y*, Hao Z, Yang TT, He NP, Tian J, Wen XF. Wash effect of atmospheric trace metals wet deposition and its source characteristic in subtropical watershed in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(20), 20388-20401
70. 宋贤威, 高扬*,温学发,郭大立,于贵瑞,何念鹏,张进忠. 中国喀斯特关键带岩石风化碳汇评估生态服务功能. 地理学报,2016,71(11): 1926-1938
71. Gao Y*, Yang TT*, Jin J. Nanoparticle pollution and associated increasing potential risks on environment and human health in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22, 19297–19306
72. Gao Y*, He NP, Yu GR, Tian J, Miao CY, Yang TT. Impact of external nitrogen and phosphorus input between 2006 and 2010 on carbon cycle in China seas. Regional Environmental Change, 2015, 15, 631–641
73. Gao Y*, He NP*, Zhang XY. Effects of reactive nitrogen deposition on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 70, 312-318
74. Gao Y*, Zhu B*, He NP, Yu GR, Wang T, Chen WL, Tian J. Phosphorus and carbon competitive sorption-desorption and associated non-point loss respond to natural rainfall events. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 517: 447-457
75. Gao Y, Zhu XJ, Yu GR*, He NP, Wang QF, Tian J. Water use efficiency threshold for terrestrial ecosystem carbon sequestration under afforestation in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2014, 195-196, 32-37. *Research Highlight by Nature Climate Change
76. Gao Y*, He NP, Yu GR, Chen WL, Wang QF. 2014. Long-term effects of different land use types on C, N, and P stoichiometry and storage in subtropical ecosystems: a case study in China. Ecological Engineering, 67, 171-181
77. Gao Y*, Zhu B*, Yu GR, Chen WL, He NP, Wang T, Miao CY. Coupled effects of biogeochemical and hydrological processes on C, N, and P export during extreme rainfall events in a purple soil watershed in southwestern China. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 511, 692-702
78. Gao Y*, He NP*, Wang QF, Miao CY. Increase of external nutrient input impact on carbon sinks in Chinese coastal seas. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47, 13215?13216
79. Gao Y, Luo ZX*, He NP*, Wang MK. Metallic nanoparticle production and consumption in China between 2000 and 2010 and associative aquatic environmental risk assessment. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013, 15:1681
80. Gao Y*, Yu GR*, He NP. Equilibration of the terrestrial water, nitrogen, and carbon cycles: advocating a health threshold for carbon storage. Ecological Engineering, 2013, 57: 366-374
81. Gao Y*, Yu GR*, He NP, He HL, Wang QF, Fang HJ. Is there an existing healthy threshold for carbon storage in the ecosystem? Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46(9): 4687–4688
82. Gao Y*, Zhu B*, Wang T, Wang YF. Seasonal change of non-point source pollution-induced bioavailable phosphorus loss: a case study of Southwestern China. Journal of Hydrology, 2012, (420-421): 373-379
83. Gao Y, Zhong BL, Yue H, Wu B, Cao S*. A degradation threshold for irreversible loss of soil productivity: a long-term case study in China. Journal of Applied Ecology, 2011, 48, 1145-1154
84. Gao Y, Zhu B*, Wang T, Tang JL, Zhou P, Miao CY. Bioavailable phosphorus transport from a hillslope cropland of purple soil under natural and simulated rainfall. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2010, 171: 539-550
85. Gao Y, Zhu B*, Zhou P*, Tang JL, Miao CY. Effects of vegetation cover on phosphorus loss from a hillslope cropland of purple soil under simulated rainfall: a case study in China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2009, 263-273
联系方式:电话:010-64889040;E-mail: gaoyang@igsnrr.ac.cn