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        主持基金委重大项目课题、优青项目、面上项目,科技部重点研发课题,中国科学院前沿科学研究计划从01原始创新项目,973计划子课题,青年基金等多项,并参与基金委重点项目和重大国际合作项目等。在NaturePNASNew PhytologistTree Physiology等杂志发表论文50余篇,其中SCI 论文27 篇,以第一作者发表在Nature 上的成果被提名为中国科学院前沿科学亮点成果。担任Journal of Ecology, 生态环境学报,生态学杂志 编委。


2018–2019 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA),访问学者

2009–2014 中国科学院大学,森林生态学,博士

2010–2011 德国马克斯普朗克学会生物地球化学循环研究所,  植物生物学联合培养博士

2004–2007 中国科学院大学,生态学,硕士

2000–2004 北京林业大学,水土保持与荒漠化防治,学士


1.   根系生物学根生物地理格局与进化,根结构-功能对应关系及资源获取策略

2.   植物功能生态学叶片细胞生长发育机制及尺度推移,根解剖结构及养分水分吸收功能

3.   森林生态系统生态学森林地下碳分配动态及机制,土壤-根系-共生真菌碳氮循环


1.      Ma ZQ, Guo DL*, Xu XL, Lu MZ, Bardgett RD, Eissenstat DM, McCormack, ML, Hedin LO*, 2018. Evolutionary history resolves global organization of root functional traits. Nature. 555, 94-97.

2.      Duan MC, Li L, Ding GG, Ma ZQ*, 2022. Leading nutrient foraging strategies shaping by root system characteristics along the elevations in rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantations, Tree Physiology. 42, 2468-2479.

3.      Li L, McCormack ML, Chen FS, Wang HM, Ma ZQ*, Guo DL, 2019. Different responses of absorptive roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to fertilization provide diverse nutrient acquisition strategies in Chinese fir, Forest Ecology and Management. 433, 64-72.

4.      Xing KQ, Zhao MF, Niinemets ülo, Niu SL, Tian J, Jiang Y, Chen HYH, White J Philip, Guo Dali, Ma ZQ*, 2021, Relationships between leaf carbon and macronutrients across woody species and forest ecosystems highlight how carbon is allocated to leaf structural function, Frontiers in Plant Science. 2, 674932.

5.      Wang ZQ*, Huang H, Yao BQ, Deng JM, Ma ZQ*, Niklas J. Karl, 2021. Divergent scaling of fine-root nitrogen and phosphorus in different root diameters, orders and functional categories: A meta-analysis, Forest Ecology and Management. 495, 119384.

6.      Liu S, Zhang XY*, Pan JX, Ma ZQ, 2023, Differences in available phosphorus in temperate and subtropical forest soils, Applied Soil Ecology. 187, 104849.

7.      Lu MZ*, Bond J. William*, Sheffer Efrat, Cramer D.Michael,West G. Adam, Allsopp Nicky, February C.Edmund, Chimphango Samson, Ma ZQ, Slingsby A. Jasper, Hedin O. Lars*, 2022, Biome boundary maintained by intense belowground resource competition in world’s thinnest-rooted plant community, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119, e2117514119.

8.      张慧, 曾文静*, 龚新桃, 马泽清*, 2023. 亚热带典型树种根毛特征及其与共生真菌的关系, 植物生态学报,47, 88-100.

9.      王奕丹, 李亮, 刘琪璟*, 马泽清*, 2021. 亚热带6个典型树种吸收细根寿命与形态属性格局, 植物生态学报, 45, 383-393.

10.    马泽清, 王辉民*, 杨风亭, 付晓莉, 方华军, 王景升, 戴晓琴, 寇亮, 赵博, 2020. 基于长期观测研究支撑亚热带红壤丘陵区森林生态系统恢复与可持续发展, 中国科学院院刊. 35, 1525-1536.

11.    Li L, Ma ZQ*, Niinemets U, Guo DL*, 2017. Three key sub-leaf modules and the diversity of leaf designs. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8, 1542.

12.    Li HB, Liu BT, McCormack ML, Ma ZQ, Guo DL*, 2017. Diverse belowground resource strategies underlie plant species coexistence and spatial distribution in three grasslands along a precipitation gradient. New Phytologist. 216, 1140-1150.

13.    McCormack ML*, Guo DL, Iversen CM, Chen WL, Eissenstat DM, Fernandez CW, Li L, Ma CE, Ma ZQ, Poorter H, Reich PB, Zadworny M, Zanne A, 2017.Building a better foundation: improving root-trait measurements to understand and model plant and ecosystem processes. New Phytologist. 215, 27-37.

14.     Sun K, Mccormack ML, Li L, Ma ZQ, Guo DL*, 2016. Fast-cycling unit of root turnover in perennial herbaceous plants in a cold temperate ecosystem.Scientific Reports. 6(6):19698

15.    Ma ZQ, Hartmann H, Wang HM*, Li QK, Wang YD, Li SG, 2014. Carbon dynamics and stability between native Masson pine and exotic slash pine plantations in subtropical China. European Journal of Forest Research, 133, 307-321.









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