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1986.091990.07 沈阳农业大学林学专业,农学学士

1990.091993.07 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所生态学专业,理学硕士

1997.042000.03 富山大学(日本)环境科学专业,工学博士








2007.04—现  在:中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员


2015.08—  在:中国科学院大学资源与环境学院 岗位教授

2019.11—  在:中国科学院千烟洲亚热带森林生态系统定位观测研究站 首席科学家







1 中国科学院项目亚热带森林生态系统碳水循环对人为和自然扰动的动态响应O88S0200S52009—2012年),项目负责人;

2 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目“我国主要人工林生态系统结构、功能与调控研究”之课题“林分结构对生态系统养分平衡影响机制”(2012CB4169032012—2016),课题负责人;


4 国家自然科学基金面上项目造林前不同整地方式对土壤碳库的影响机制研究310705592011—2013),项目负责人;

5 国家自然科学基金重大国际合作研究项目亚热带森林生态系统植物与土壤生物多样性维持机制之(312101039202013—2017),课题负责人;

6 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项应对气候变化的碳收支认证及相关问题项目之专题:马尾松林固碳增汇技术的试验示范(XDA050703022011—2015),专题负责人。







1.   Liu Q., Wang H* & Xu X. 2020. Root nitrogen acquisition strategy of trees and understory species in a subtropical pine plantation in southern China.European Journal of Forest Research139: 791–804.

2.    Kou L*, Jiang L, H?ttenschwiler S, Zhang M, Niu S, Fu X, Dai X, Yan H, Li S*, Wang H*. 2020. Diversity-decomposition relationships in forests worldwide. eLife. 9: e55813.

3.    Jiang L, Wang H, Li S, Fu X, Dai X, Yan H, Kou L*. 2020. Mycorrhizal and environmental controls over root trait-decomposition linkage of woody trees. New Phytologist 229: 284–295.

4.    Jiang P., Meinzer Frederick C, Fu X.*, Kou L., Dai X., Wang H.*. 2020. Tradeoffs between xylem water and carbohydrate storage among 24 coexisting subtropical understory shrub species spanning a spectrum of isohydry. Tree Physiology 41: 403–415.

5.    Jiang P., Wang H., Meinzer Frederick C, Kou L., Dai X., Fu X.*. 2020. Linking reliance on deep soil water to resource economy strategies and abundance among coexisting understory shrub species in subtropical pine plantations. New Phytologist 225: 222-233.

6.    Jiang P., Meinzer F. C, Wang H., Kou L., Dai X., Fu X.*. 2020. Belowground determinants and ecological implications of shrub species’ degree of isohydry in subtropical pine plantations. New Phytologist 226: 1656–1666.

7.    Yuan Y., Dai X.Q.*, Fu X.L., Kou L., Luo Y.Q., Jiang L.F., Wang H.M*. 2020. Differences in the rhizosphere effects among trees, shrubs and herbs in three subtropical plantations and their seasonal variations. European Journal of Soil Biology 100, 103218

8.    Liao Y, Fan H, Wei X, Wu J, Duan H, Fu X, Liu W, Wang H*, Zhang X, Tang P, Li F. 2019. Competition increased fine root biomass in Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantations in Subtropical China. Forest Ecology and Management 435:151-157.

9.    Wang J, Li Q, Fu X, Dai X, Kou L, Xu M, Chen S, Chen F*, Wang H*. 2019. Mechanisms driving ecosystem carbon sequestration in a Chinese fir plantation: nitrogen versus phosphorus fertilization. European Journal of Forest Research 138: 863-873

10.  Kou L., Li S., Wang H., Fu X., Dai X. 2019. Unaltered phenology but increased production of ectomycorrhizal roots of Pinus elliottii under four-year nitrogen addition. New Phytologist 221: 2228-2238.

11.  Di Y, Fu X, Wang H*, Li W, Wang S. 2018. N concentration of old leaves and twigs is more sensitive to stand density than that of young ones in Chinese fir plantations: a case study in subtropical China. J. Forestry Research 29:163-169.

12.  Wang J, Di Y, Dai X, Xu M, Fu X*, Wang H*, Wang Y. 2018. Response of soil microbial communities to site preparation before afforestation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48: 535–541.

13.  Dai X*, Fu X, Kou L, Wang H*, Shock CC. 2018. CNP stoichiometry of rhizosphere soils differed significantly among overstory trees and understory shrubs in plantations in subtropical China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48: 1398-1405.

14.  Fu X., Guo D., Wang H.*, Dai X., Li M, Chen F. 2017. Differentiating between root- and leaf-litter controls on the structure and stability of soil micro-food webs. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 113: 192-200.

15.  Xu M., Wang H.*, Wen X., Zhang T., Di Y., Wang Y., Wang J., Cheng C., Zhang W. 2017. The full annual carbon balance of a subtropical coniferous plantation is highly sensitive to autumn precipitation. Scientific Reports 7: 10025, DOI:10.1038/s41598- 017-10485-w.

16.  Cheng C., Wang Y., Fu X., Xu M., Dai X., Wang H.*. 2017. Thinning effect on understory community and photosynthetic characteristics in a subtropical Pinus massoniana plantation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47: 1104–1115.

17.  Wang J., Wang H.*, Fu X., Xu M., Wang Y. 2016. Effects of site preparation treatments before afforestation on soil carbon release. Forest Ecology and Management 361, 277-285.

18.  Wang Y., Wang H.*, Wang Z.-L., Xu M., Ma Z. 2015. Soil organic carbon stocks and CO2 effluxes of native and exotic pine plantations in subtropical China. Catena 128: 167–173.

19.  Fu X., Wang J., Wang H.*, Dai X., Yang F., Zhao M. 2015. Response of the fine root production, phenology, and turnover rate of six shrub species from a subtropical forest to a soil moisture gradient and shading. Plant and Soil 399: 135-146.

20.  Fu X., Wang J., Di Y., Wang H.* 2015. Differences in fine-root biomass of trees and understory vegetation among stand types in subtropical forests. PLoS ONE 10 (6): e0128894.

21.  Fu X., Yang F., Wang J., Di Y., Dai X., Zhang X., Wang H.. 2015. Understory vegetation leads to changes in soil acidity and in microbial communities 27 years after reforestation. Science of the Total Environment 502: 280–286. 100.

22.  Xiong Y., Xu X., Zeng H., Wang H., Chen F., Guo D. 2015. Low Nitrogen Retention in Soil and Litter under Conditions without Plants in a Subtropical Pine Plantation. Forests 6: 2387-2404.

23.  Ma Z., Hartman H., Wang H.*, Li Q., Wang Y., Li S. 2014. Carbon dynamics and stability between native Masson pine and exotic slash pine plantations in subtropical China. European Journal of Forest Research 133: 307-321.

24.  Xu M., Wen X., Wang H.*, Zhang W., Dai X., Song J., Wang Y., Liu Y., Sun X., Yu G. 2014. Effects of climatic factors and ecosystem responses on the inter-annual variability of evapotranspiration of a coniferous plantation in subtropical China. PLoS ONE 9 (1): e85593.

25.  Tang Y., Wen X., Sun X., Zhang X., Wang H. 2014. The limiting effect of deep soil water on evapotranspiration of a subtropical coniferous plantation subjected to seasonal drought. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 31: 385–395.

26.  Liao Y., McCormack L., Fan H., Wang H.*, Wu J., Tu J., Liu W., Guo D. 2014. Relation of fine root distribution to soil C in a Cunninghamia lanceolata forest in subtropical China. Plant and soil 381: 225-234.

27.  Wang Y., Wang H.*, Ma Z., Dai X., Wen X., Liu Y., Wang Z-L. 2013. The litter layer acts as a moisture-induced bidirectional buffer for atmospheric methane uptake by soil of a subtropical pine plantation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 66: 45-50.

28.  Wang Y., Wang H.*, Wang Z.-L., Zhang W., Guo C., Wen X., Liu Y. 2012. Optimizing manual sampling schedule for estimating annual soil CO2 efflux in a young exotic pine plantation in subtropical China. European Journal of Soil Biology 52: 41-47.

29.  Wang Y., Wang Z., Wang H.*, Guo C., Bao W., 2012. Rainfall pulse primarily drives litterfall respiration and its contribution to soil respiration in a young exotic pine plantation in subtropical China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42: 657-666.

30.  邸月宝,王辉民*,马泽清,杨风亭,张文江,付晓莉,梁跃龙,周华. 2012. 亚热带森林生态系统不同重建方式下碳储量及其分配格局,科学通报5717):1553 ~1561

31.  徐飞,杨风亭,王辉民*,戴晓琴, 2012,树干液流径向分布格局研究进展,植物生态学报 36 (9): 1004–1014

32.  Zhang W.-J., Wang H.-M.*, Yang F.-T., Yi Y.-H., Wen X.-F., Sun X.-M., Yu G.-R., Wang Y.-D., Ning J.-C. 2011. Underestimated effects of low temperature during early growing season on carbon sequestration of a subtropical coniferous plantation. Biogeosciences 8 1667-1678.

33.  Wang Y., Li Q., Wang H.*, Wen X., Yang F., Ma Z., Liu Y., Sun X., Yu G. 2011, Precipitation frequency controls interannual variation of soil respiration by affecting soil moisture in a subtropical forest plantation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 1897-1906.

34.  Zhang W., Wang H.*, Wen X., Ma Z., Yang F., Sun X., Yu G. 2011. Freezing-induced loss in carbon uptake of a subtropical coniferous plantation in southern China. Annals of Forest Science 681151-1161.

35.  Wen X.-F., Wang H.-M., Yu G.-R., Sun X.-M. 2010. Ecosystem carbon exchange of a subtropical evergreen coniferous plantation subjected to seasonal drought, 2003–2007. Biogeosciences 7, 357-369.

36.  Wang Y., Wang H.*, Ma Z., Wen X., Li Q., Liu Y., Sun X., Yu G. 2009. Contribution of aboveground litter decomposition to soil respiration in a subtropical coniferous plantation in southern China, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 45: 137-147.

37.  Wang H.*, Saigusa N., Yamamoto S., Kondo H., Hirano T., Toriyama A., Fujinuma Y. 2004. Net ecosystem CO2 exchange over a larch forest in Hokkaido, Japan. Atmospheric Environment 38: 7021-7032.

38.  Wang H.*, Hasegawa K., Kagaya S. 2000. The nitration of pyrene adsorbed on silica particles by nitrogen dioxide. Chemosphere 41: 1479-1484.

39.  Wang H., Hasegawa K., Kagaya S. 2000. Effect of nitrous acid gas on the nitration of pyrene adsorbed on silica particles by nitrogen dioxide. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A 35: 755-763.

40.  Wang H.*, Hasegawa K., Kagaya S. 1999. Nitration of pyrene adsorbed on silica particles by nitrogen dioxide under simulated atmospheric conditions. Chemosphere 39: 1923-1936.



1.   2021.04-,Forests 编委(editorial board member

2.   2021.04-,《陆地生态系统与保护学报》编委

3.   2019.12-,中国自然资源学会 常务理事

4.   2019.02-,Canadian Journal of Forest Research 副主编(Associate Editor

5.   2018.09-,中国自然资源学会森林资源专业委员会 主任

6.   2015.01-,中国自然资源学会 理事

7.   2015.01-,《资源科学》杂志 编委

8.   2011.12-,中国林学会森林生态分会 理事

9.   2010.04-,江西省地理学会 副理事长

10. 2009.01-, 江西省生态学会 副理事长











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