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6.科技部973 计划课题,多尺度-多源数据融合的陆地生态系统碳氮水耦合循环模型研究,2010/01-2014/12,主持


1. 2000 年独立申请到日本地球环境产业技术研究所(Research institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth)“东北地区土地利用/土地覆被变化与陆地碳循环研究”(2001-2002)和“碳统计的遥感应用研究”(2002-2003)两个国际项目。

2. 主持国家科技部中德国际合作项目“鄱阳湖流域生态系统综合治理研究”(2006-2009)第三课题“鄱阳湖流域碳循环研究”。

3. 主持国家科技部中欧国际合作项目“中国陆地碳汇管理决策支持系统研究”(2010-2012,中奥国际合作)。

4. 参与了国家基金委中日韩三国重大国际合作项目“CarbonEastAsia:基于通量观测网络的生态系统碳循环过程与模型综合研究”(2007-2010),第三课题负责人。




(1) Yan, Hao ; Wang, Shao-Qiang ; da Rocha, Humberto R.; Rap, Alexandru; Bonal, Damien; Butt, Nathalie; Coupe, Natalia Restrepo; Shugart, Herman H., Simulation of the Unexpected Photosynthetic Seasonality in Amazonian Evergreen Forests by Using an Improved Diffuse Fraction-Based Light Use Efficiency Model, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 2017.11, 122(11): 3014~3030.

(2) Yan, Hao ; Wang, Shao-Qiang; Yu, Kai-Liang; Wang, Bin; Yu, Qin; Bohrer, Gil; Billesbach, Dave; Bracho, Rosvel; Rahman, Faiz; Shugart, Herman H.  A Novel Diffuse Fraction-Based Two-Leaf Light Use Efficiency Model: An Application Quantifying Photosynthetic Seasonality Across 20 AmeriFlux Flux Tower Sites , Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2017.10, 9(6): 2317~2332.

(3) Yan, Hao ; Wang, Shao-Qiang; Wang, Jun-Bang; Lu, Hou-Quan; Guo, An-Hong; Zhu, Zai-Chun; Myneni, Ranga B.; Shugart, Herman H., Assessing spatiotemporal variation of drought in China and its impact on agriculture during 1982-2011 by using PDSI indices and agriculture drought survey data, Journal of Geophysical Research--ATMOSPHERES, 2016.3.16, 121(5): 2283~2298.

(4) Wang Shaoqiang ; Huang Kun ; Yan Hao; Yan Huimin; Zhou Lei; Wang Huimin; Zhang Junhui; Yan Junhua; Zhao Liang; Wang Yanfeng; Shi Peili; Zhao Fenghua; Sun Leigang, Improving the light use efficiency model for simulating terrestrial vegetation gross primary production by the inclusion of diffuse radiation across ecosystems in China, Ecological Complexity, 2015.6.27, 23(2015): 1~13.

(5) Yan Hao ; Wang Shaoqiang ; Billesbach Dave; Oechel Walter; Bohrer Gil;Meyers Tilden; Martin Timothy A.; Matamala Roser; Phillips Rich P.; Rahman Faiz; Yu Q.; Shugart Herman H., Improved global simulations of gross primary product based on a new definition of water stress factor and a separate treatment of C3 and C4 plants, Ecological Modelling, 2015.2.10, 297(1): 42~59.

(6) Yu Quan-zhou ; Wang Shao-qiang; Huang Kun; Zhou Lei; Chen Die-cong, .n Analysis of the Spectrums between Different Canopy Structures Based on Hyperion Hyperspectral Data in a Temperate Forest of Northeast China , Spectro scopy and Spectral Analysis, 2015.7, 35(7): 1980~1985(通讯作者.

(7) Yan Hao ; Wang Shaoqiang; Lu Houquan; Yu Qin; Zhu Zaichun; Myneni Ranga B.; Liu Qiang; Shugart Herman H., Development of a remotely sensing seasonal vegetation-based Palmer Drought Severity Index and its application of global drought monitoring over 1982-2011, Journal of Geophysical Research--ATMOSPHERES,, 2014.8.16, 119(15): 9419~9440.

(8) Huang Kun; Wang Shaoqiang ; Zhou Lei; Wang Huimin; Zhang Junhui; Yan Junhua; Zhao Liang; Wang Yanfen; Shi Peili, Impacts of diffuse radiation on light use efficiency across terrestrial ecosystems based on eddy covariance observation in China, PLos One, 2014.11, 9(11): 1~9(通讯作者).

(9) Quanzhou Yu; Shaoqiang Wang; Lei Zhou, Investigation into the role of canopy structure traits and plant functional types in modulating the correlation between canopy nitrogen and reflectance in a temperate forest in northeast China, JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING, 2017.11.10, 11(4)(通讯作者).

(10)Huang, K., Wang Shaoqiang., Zhou L., Wang H., Liu Y., Yang F. 2013. Effects of drought and ice rain on potential productivity of a subtropical coniferous plantation from 2003 to 2010 based on eddy covariance flux observation. Environmental Research Letters. 8, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/3/035021(通讯作者).




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