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  1998年 任中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所副研究员

  2001年 博士后出站后到地理科学与资源研究所任副研究员

  2002年 任地理科学与资源研究所千烟洲试验站副站长

  2003年 任世界自然基金会淡水海洋项目主任

  2004年 任地理资源所生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室副研究员

  2008-2011年 任中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所科技条件与平台部主任

  2012  任地理资源所生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室研究员


  中国生态系统研究网络科学委员会 秘书长

  国际长期生态系统研究网络(ILTER) 政策与宣传委员会委员


  世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)生态系统管理委员会 中国联络员

  国家湿地科学技术专家委员会 委员

  中国湿地保护协会 理事

  中国生态学学会长期生态学专业委员会 副主任

  《长江流域资源与环境》杂志 编委

  《湿地科学与管理》杂志 编委











  国家自然科学基金面上项目“鄱阳湖湿生植物群落分布及其稳定性对水文过程和氮磷输入的响应机制”(41971133 ),2020-2024年,项目负责人。


























  WWF(世界自然基金会)资助项目国际合作项目长江中游湿地生态系统的气候适应性,项目负责人 2007-2009年,项目负责人。







  1.     于秀波、张立(主编).中国沿海湿地保护绿皮书(2019.北京:科学出版社,2020.

  2.     谢平(主编), 陈进,于秀波、赵斌(副主编). 三峡工程对长江中下游湿地生态系统的影响评估. 武汉:长江出版社,2018.

  3.     于秀波、张立(主编).中国沿海湿地保护绿皮书(2017.北京:科学出版社,2018.

  4.     雷光春、张正旺、于秀波、张明祥(主编).中国滨海湿地保护管理战略研究. 北京:高等教育出版社. 2017.

  5.     刘纪远, 邵全琴, 于秀波, 黄河清等著. 中国陆地生态系统综合监测与评估. 北京科学出版社. 2016.

  6.     詹姆斯·T. 博尔达克, 于秀波, 安德鲁·J. 密特尔曼等著. 中国湖泊和湿地生态恢复(第三卷):三江平原湿地的最佳实践与展望. 哈尔滨:东北林业大学出版社. 2016.

  7.     James T. Berdach, Xiubo Yu, Andrew J. Mittelman. Reviving Lakes and Wetlands in the People's Republic of China. Asian Development Bank. Philippines. 2016.

  8.     Chen Yiyu, Beate Jessel, Bojie Fu, Xiubo Yu, Jamie Pittock. Ecosystem services and Management Strategy in China. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

  9.     陈宜瑜, Beate Jessel, 傅伯杰, 于秀波, Jamie Pittock. 中国生态系统服务与管理战略. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社, 2010.

  10.  傅伯杰, 于秀波等著. 基于观测与试验的生态系统优化管理. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2010.

  11.  Yi Wang, Xuejun Wang, Xiubo Yu, Yahua Wang. Taking Stock of Integrated River Basin Management in China. Beijing Science Press, 2007.

  12.  陈宜瑜, 王毅, 李利锋, 于秀波等著. 中国流域综合管理战略研究. 北京: 科学出版社, 2007.

  13.  刘卫东, 刘彦随, 金凤君, 陈田, 于秀波, 陆大道等著. 2007中国区域发展报告——中部地区发展的基础、态势与战略方向. 北京: 商务印书馆, 2008.

  14.  周杨明, 于秀波, 李利锋, 张琛. 河流管理创新理念与案例. 北京: 科学出版社, 2007.

  15.  姜鲁光, 于秀波, 李利锋等译. 河流管理新方法. 北京: 科学出版社, 2006.

  16.  Xiubo Yu, Lifeng Li, Bangyou Yan. Lessons Learned for Integrated River Basin Management. Beijing China Environmental Science Press, October, 2005.

  17.  杨桂山, 于秀波, 李恒鹏, 高俊峰等著. 流域综合管理导论. 北京: 科学出版社, 2004.

  18.  周宏春, 王毅, 于秀波等著. 长江中游退田还湖与可持续发展. 北京: 经济科学出版社, 2002.

  19.  傅伯杰主编. 生态系统服务与生态安全. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2013. 第十五章(于秀波)

  20.  刘卫东, 刘毅, 秦玉才等著. 2009中国区域发展报告-西部开发的走向. 北京: 商务印书馆, 2010. 第十二章(于秀波)

  21.  徐明, 马超德等著. 长江流域气候变化脆弱性与适应性研究. 北京: 中国水利水电出版社, 2009.  第六章(于秀波)

  22.  中国科学院可持续发展战略研究组, 2008年中国可持续发展战略报告. 北京: 科学出版社, 2009. 第六章(于秀波)

  23.  Guishan Yang, Lida Wen, Lifeng Li (editors)Yangtze Conservation and Development Report 2007 , Beijing Science Press, 2008. Chapter 15 (Xiubo Yu)

  24.  杨桂山, 翁立达, 李利锋. 长江保护与发展报告(2007. 武汉: 长江出版社, 2007. 第十五章(于秀波)

  25.  中国科学院可持续发展战略研究组. 2007年中国可持续发展战略报告. 北京: 科学出版社, 2007. 第五章(于秀波、李利锋), 第九章(王毅、于秀波、李利锋)

  26.  中国科学院可持续发展战略研究组. 2006年中国可持续发展战略报告. 北京: 科学出版社, 2006. 第六章(于秀波)

  27.  陆大道主编. 2002中国区域发展的理论与实践. 北京: 商务印书馆, 2003. 第八章(于秀波)

  28.  孙鸿烈, Bernard Sonntag主编. 中国关键地区的农业发展与环境,北京:科学出版社,200310月,第三章(于秀波)

  29.  Bernard Sonntag, Honglie Sun, Agriculture Development and Environment in Critical Areas of China. Beijing Science Press, 2002. Chapters 3 (Xiubo Yu)

  30.  陆大道主编. 2000中国区域发展的理论与实践. 北京: 商务印书馆, 2001. 第十二章(于秀波)

  31.  陆大道主编. 1999中国区域发展的理论与实践. 北京: 商务印书馆, 2000. 第一章(于秀波) 

代表性学术论文(* 表示为通讯作者)

  1.   Zhao Wei, Xiubo Yu*, Yu Liu, Li Xu, Zhi Chen, Shenggong Li. 2021 Distinct vegetation response to drying and wetting trends across an aridity threshold. Environmental Research Communications. (ESCI)

  2.   Zhang Quanjun, Guangshuai Zhang , Xiubo Yu*, Yu Liu , Shaoxia Xia, Zhujian Meng, Ce Xu.How do droppings of wintering waterbird acceleratedecomposition of Carex cinerascens Ku¨kenth litter in seasonal floodplain Ramsar Site? Wetlands Ecol Manage.https//

  3.   Xu Ce, Ce Xu, Zhaoya Chen, Shaoxia Xia, Wei Zhao, Quanjun Zhang, Jiakun Teng &Xiubo Yu*.The initial mass of residue can regulate the impact of Phragmites australis decomposition on water quality a case study of a mesocosm experiment in a wetland of North China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 36(1) 49–62.(SCI)

  4.   Xia Shaoxia, Yu Dingkun, Cui Peng, Duan Houlang, Teng Jiakun, Xiubo Yu*, Suitable-habitat dynamics for wintering geese in China’s largest freshwater lake. Global Ecology and Conservation 27 (2021) e01528 .(SCI)

  5.   Yuehan Dou, Xiubo Yu*, Yu Liu. 2021. Rethinking non-material links between people and drylands from a cultural ecosystem services perspective. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 48110-114.(SCI)

  6.   Zhao Wei, Xiubo Yu*, Ce Xu. 2021. Social-ecological system management in drylands experiences from Chinese Ecosystem Research Network. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 48, 93-102. (SCI)

  7.   Chao Fu, Zhi Chen, Guoqin Wang, Xiubo Yu, and Guirui Yu. 2021. A comprehensive framework for evaluating the impact of land use change and management on soil organic carbon stocks in global drylands. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 48, 103-109. (SCI)

  8.   Lu Yao, Yang Gao, Junjie Jia, Shaxia Xia, Xuefa Wen, Xiubo Yu, Kun Shi, Zhaoxi Li, and Shuoyue Wang. 2021. Revealing carbon balance characteristics in a water conveyance-type lake and differences in carbon sources through its connective hydrological channels. Journal of Hydrology, 592.(SCI)

  9.   Zhao Wei, Xibo Yu*, Cuicui Jiao, Chengdong Xu, Yu Liu, and Genan Wu. 2021. Increased association between climate change and vegetation index variation promotes the coupling of dominant factors and vegetation growth. Science of The Total Environment, 767. (SCI)

  10.   Yu Liu, Xiubo Yu, Liang Zhao and Suxiao Li, 2021. Evaluating the revegetation by shrub planting in degraded dryland rangeland perspectives of hydrological and sediment connectivity. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 48132–138. (SCI)

  11.   Bojie Fu, Mark Stafford-Smith, Yanfeng Wang,Binfang Wu, Xiubo Yu, Nan Lv, Dennis S Ojima,Yihe Lv, Chao Fu, Yu Liu, Shuli Niu, Yangjian Zhang,Hongwei Zeng, Yuexian Liu, Yanxu Liu, Xiaoming Feng,Lu Zhang, Yongping Wei, Zhihong Xu, Fadong Li, Xiaoyong Cui, Salif Diop and Xi Chen.The Global-DEP conceptual framework — research on dryland ecosystems to promote sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2021, 4817–28. (SCI)

  12.    Jiakun, Teng, Xia Shaoxia, Liu Yu, Yu Xiubo, Duan Houlang, Xiao Han, and Zhao Chuangpeng .2021. Assessing habitat suitability for wintering geese by using Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) in a large floodplain wetland, China. Ecological Indicators, 122,107260(SCI)

  13.    Houlang Duan, Shaoxia Xia, Xiubo Yu*, et al. 2020. Using citizen science data to inform the relative sensitivity of waterbirds to natural vs human-dominated landscapes in China. Ecology and Evolution, 107233–7241.(SCI)

  14.    Houlang Duan , Shaoxia Xia, Micha Victoria Jackson , Ning Zhao , Yu Liu ,Jiakun Teng, Zhen Meng, Xiubo Yu*, Jianbin Shi*. 2020. Identifying new sites of significance to waterbirds conservation and their habitat modification in the Yellow and Bohai Seas in China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 22e01031.(SCI)

  15.    Yuehan Dou, Xiubo Yu*, Martha Bakker, Rudolf De Groot, Gerrit-Jan Carsjens, Houlang Duan, Chao Huang. 2020. “Analysis of the relationship between cross-cultural perceptions of landscapes and cultural ecosystem services in Genheyuan region, Northeast China” Ecosystem Services 43 101-112. (IF=6.33) (SCI)

  16.    Liu, Yu, Liang Zhao, and Xiubo Yu. 2020. A sedimentological connectivity approach for assessing on-site and off-site soil erosion control services. Ecological Indicators, 115.

  17.    Peng Yu, Bojie Fu, Linxiu Zhang, Xiubo Yu, Chao Fu, Salif Diop, Hubert Hirwa, Aliou Guisse, and Fadong Li. 2020. Global Dryland Ecosystem Programme (G-DEP) Africa consultative meeting report. Journal of Arid Land, 12, 538-544. (SCI)

  18.    Shaoxia, Xia, Yu Xiubo, Lei Jinyu, Hearn Richard, Smith Bena, Lei Gang, and Xie Ping. 2020. Priority sites and conservation gaps of wintering waterbirds in the Yangtze River floodplain. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 30, 1617-1632. (SCI)

  19.    Teng, Jiakun, Shaoxia Xia, Yu Liu, Peng Cui, Jiang Chen, Wuwei Si, Houlang Duan, and Xiubo Yu. 2020. Differences of Regulative Flexibility between Hydrological Isolated and Connected Lakes in a Large Floodplain Insight from Inundation Dynamics and Landscape Heterogeneity. Water, 12. (SCI)

  20.    Zhou Yangming*, Dou Yuehan*,Yu Xiubo, Zhang Li, Huang Chong, Wang Yuyu, Li Xiaowei, Li He, Jia Yifei, Bakker Martha, Carsjens Gerrit Jan, Zhou Yan, Duan Houlang. Examining Health of Wetlands with Multiple Ecosystem Services as Targets in China’s Coastal Regions. Chinese Geographical Science, 30.4(2020) 600–613. (IF=1.85) (SCI)

  21.   Xiaowei Li, Xiubo Yu, Xiyong Hou* Yubin Liu, Hui Li, Yangming Zhou, Shaoxia Xia, Yu Liu, Houlang Duan, Yuyu Wang, Yuehan Dou, Meng Yang, Li Zhang *. 2020. Valuation of Wetland Ecosystem Services in National Nature Reserves in China’s Coastal Zones. Sustainability,12, 3131. doi10.3390/su12083131. (IF=2.576) (SCI)

  22.    李瑾璞,夏少霞,于秀波,李素晓,许策,赵宁,王树涛*基于InVEST 模型的河北省陆地生态系统碳储量研究. 生态与农村环境学报. 2020,36(7),854-861 10.19741/j.issn.1673-4831.2019.0918

  23.   李瑾璞, 于秀波, 夏少霞, . , 王树涛 & . (2020) 白洋淀湿地区土壤有机碳密度及储量的空间分布特征. 生态学报, 4024):8928-8935.

  24.   张全军,张广帅,于秀波*, 刘宇, 夏少霞, 孟竹剑, 许 策, 胡斌华, 万松贤. 2020. 鄱阳湖湿地优势植物枯落的分解速率及碳、氮磷释放动态特征. 生态学报, 4024):8905-8916.

  25.   许策,赵玮,于秀波. 2020. 湿地植物残体分解及其影响因素研究进展[J/OL].生态学杂志. 39(11)38653872.

  26.   张广帅,闫吉顺,赵全民,于永海,于秀波,张全军,蔡悦荫, 宫玮.2020.辽东湾小凌河口湿地土壤微生物群落结构与微生态环境因子的关系.生态学杂志,  (07) 2283-2291.

  27.   廖小罕,封志明,高星,孙鸿烈,孙九林,于贵瑞, 戴尔阜, 占车生, 马泽清, 于秀波, 何洪林, 杨雅萍, 刘荣高, 戴君虎, 刘闯和王卷乐. 野外科学观测研究台站(网络)和科学数据中心建设发展. 生态学杂志. 2020. 75(12) 2669-2683.

  28.   张广帅,张全军,于秀波* ,闫吉顺,赵全民,蔡悦荫,宫 玮.生态学报.2020. 不同地下水位灰化薹草分解过程中木质素降解与碳、 氮、磷释放的关系.生态学报,2020 40( 9) 3006-3015

  29.    赵宁,夏少霞,于秀波,段后浪,李瑾璞.基于MaxENT模型的渤海湾沿岸鸻鹬类栖息地适宜性评价.生态学杂志.2020,39(1)194-205

  30.    Houlang Duan, Shaoxia Xia, Xiyong Hou,Yu Liu, Xiubo Yu*. 2019. Conservation planning following reclamation of intertidalareas throughout the Yellow and Bohai Seas, China. Biodiversity and Conservation, 283787–3801.(SCI)

  31.    Dou Yuehan, Zhen Lin*, Yu Xiubo., Bakker M., Carsjens G.J., Xue Z. 2019.  Assessing the influences of ecological restoration on perceptions of cultural ecosystem services by residents of agricultural landscapes of western China. Science of The Total Environment, 646 685-695. (IF= 4.610) (SCI)

  32.   Quanjun Zhang, Guangshuai Zhang, Xiubo Yu*, Yu Liu, Shaoxia Xia, Li Ya, Binhua Hu, Songxian Wan. Effect of ground water level on the release of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus during decomposition of Carex. Cinerascens Kükenth in the typical seasonal floodplain in dry season. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2019, 34(1)305-322. SCI

  33.    Xiaowei Li, Xiyong Hou*, Yang Song, Kai Shan, Shuyu Zhu, Xiubo Yu, Xunqiang Mo. 2019. Assessing Changes of Habitat Quality for Shorebirds in Stopover Sites a Case Study in Yellow River Delta, China. Wetlands 39, 67–77. https// (IF=1.783) (SCI)

  34.    Ahmed S. Khan, Hongmei Yi, Linxiu Zhang, Xiubo Yu, Erasme Mbanzamihigo, Gisele Umuhumuza, Thierry Ngoga & Sedami Igor Armand YevideA. Yevide. 2019. An integrated social-ecological assessment of ecosystem service benefits in the Kagera River Basin in Eastern Africa. Regional Environmental Change, 19, 39-53.

  35.    Yuyu Wang, Yu-Chun Kao,Yangming Zhou, Huan Zhang, Xiubo Yue, Guangchun Lei.2019. "Can water level management, stock enhancement, and fishery restriction offset negative effects of hydrological changes on the four major Chinese carps in China's largest freshwater lake?." Ecological Modelling 403 1-10.

  36.   张全军,张广帅,万松贤,刘宇,夏少霞,李雅,许策,于秀波*. 2019. 鄱阳湖植食越冬候鸟粪便对洲滩湿地薹草枯落物分解过程及碳、氮、磷释放的影响. 湖泊科学, 31(03)208-218.

  37.    饶滴滴,于秀波,李鹏*,夏少霞,孟竹剑,刘影. 鄱阳湖碟形湖泊(常湖池)春季苔草生物量遥感估算. 自然资源报,2019,34(9)2001-2011.

  38.    Li Ya, Yu Xiubo*, Guo Qun, et al.2018. Estimating the biomass of Carex cinerascens (Cyperaceae) in floodplain wetlands in Poyang Lake, China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 34 379-394.doi 10.1080/02705060.1531792, (SCI)

  39.    Shaoxia Xia, Yu Liu*, Xiubo Yu, Bojie Fu. 2018. Challenges in coupling LTER with environmental assessments An insight from potential and reality of the Chinese Ecological Research Network in servicing environment assessments. Science of the Total Environment 633 1302-13. (SCI)

  40.    Zhang G, Yu XB*, Li Y, Liu Y, Zhang H, Jia Y, Xia SX, 2018. Effects of burning on carbon utilization of soil microorganisms and plant growth of Carex brevicuspis communities at Lake Poyang wetlands, China. Wetlands. 39,1–15 (SCI)

  41.    Zhang G, Yu Xiubo*, Gao Y, et al. 2018. Effect of water table on cellulose and lignin degradation of Carex cinerascens in a large seasonal floodplain[J]. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 33(1)311-325. SCI

  42.   Fang Xiaodong, Hou Xiyong*, Li Xiaowei, Hou Wan, Masahiro Nakaoka, Yu Xiubo. 2018. Ecological Connectivity between Land and Sea A Review. Ecological Research, 33(1) 51-61. DOI 10.1007/s11284-017-1549-x. (IF=1.58) (SCI)

  43.   Masahiro Nakaoka, Kenji Sudo, Mizuho Namba, Hideaki Shibata, Futoshi Nakamura, Satoshi Ishikawa, Mitsutaku Makino, Hiroya Yamano, Shin-ichiro S. Matsuzaki, Takehisa Yamakita, Xiubo Yu, Xiyong Hou, Xiaowei Li, Jon Brodie, Keiichiro Kanemoto, Dan Moran, Francesca Verones. TSUNAGARI a new interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary study toward conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Ecological Research. (2018) 33 35-49. doi 10.1007/s11284-017-1534-4. (IF=1.58) (SCI)

  44.    李雅,于秀波*,刘宇,张广帅,张全军,段后浪,2018.湿地植物功能性状对水文过程的响应研究进展.生态学杂志. 37(3)952-959.

  45.    孟竹剑,夏少霞,于秀波,饶滴滴,金斌松*2018, 鄱阳湖越冬雁类食源植被适宜取食时间窗口研究,生态学报,38(21) 7539-7548.

  46.    张广帅,于秀波*,刘宇,2018. 鄱阳湖碟形湖泊植物分解和水位变化对水体碳、氮浓度的叠加效应. 湖泊科学,30(3) 668-679

  47.    张广帅,于秀波*,张全军,李雅,刘宇,段后浪,2017.鄱阳湖湿地土壤微生物群落结构沿地下水位梯度分异特征.生态学报,38(11)3825-3837.

  48.    Yifei Jia, Yamian Zhang, Jialin Lei, Shengwu Jiao, Guangchun Lei, Xiubo Yu* & Guanhua Liu, 2017, Activity Patterns of four Cranes in Poyang Lake, China Indication of Habitat Naturalness, Wetlands, 39, 45-53. DOI 10.1007/s13157-017-0911-7. (SCI)

  49.    Yifei Jia , Guangchun Lei, Xiubo Yu *, 2017. Water regulation a Sword of Damocles for migratory waterbirds in China? Science China(Life Sciences)  60(5)548-550. doi 10.1007/s11427-016-0277-6. (SCI)

  50.    Yuehan Dou , Lin Zhen , Rudolf De Groot , Bingzhen Du, Xiubo Yu *, 2017. Assessing the importance of cultural ecosystem services in urban areas of Beijing municipality. Ecosystem Services 24 (2017) 79–90 (SCI)

  51.    Shaoxia Xia, Yu Liu, Yuyu Wang, Bin Chen, Yifei Jia, Guanhua Liu, Xiubo Yu*, Li Wen*, 2016. Wintering water birds in a large river floodplain Hydrological connectivity is the key for reconciling development and conservation, Science of the Total Environment ,573 645–660(SCI)

  52.    Shaoxia Xia, Xiubo Yu*, Spike Millington, Yu Liu, Yifei Jia, LongzhuWang,XiyongHou andLuguang Jiang, 2016. Identifying priority sites and gaps for the conservation of migratory waterbirds in China's coastal wetlands, Biological Conservation , 210, 72-82(SCI)

  53.    Shaoxia Xia, Yu Liu, Bin Chen, Yifei Jia Huan Zhang, Guanhua Liu, Xiubo Yu*, 2016. Effect of water level fluctuation on wintering goose at Poyang Lake, Chinese Geographical Science,27 (2) 248-258 (SCI)

  54.    Shaoxia Xia, Yuyu Wang, Gang Lei, Yu Liu, Jinyu Lei, Xiubo Yu*, Li Wen*,Yangming Zhou, 2016. Restriction of herbivorous water bird distributions in the middle and lower Yangtze Riverfloodplain in view of hydrological isolation, Wetlands. doi 10.1007/s13157-016-0841-9(SCI)

  55.    Dou Y, Zhen L*, Groot R D, Du B, Xiubo Yu. Assessing the importance of cultural ecosystem services in urban areas of Beijing municipality. Ecosystem Services, 2017, 2479-90. (IF=4.395) (SCI)

  56.    Huan Zhang, Xiubo Yu*, Yuyu Wang, Jun Xu. 2017. The importance of terrestrial carbon in supporting molluscs in the wetlands of Poyang Lake, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology.354):825-832 (SCI)

  57.    夏少霞,于秀波*,刘宇,贾亦飞,张广帅. 2016. 鄱阳湖湿地现状问题与未来趋势.长江流域资源与环境. 25(7)859-867

  58.    肖协文, 王玉玉, 张欢, 于秀波*. 2015. 饶河枯水期主要鱼类营养级位置及其影响因素. 生态学报, 35(18) 1~11

  59.    夏少霞, 刘观华, 于秀波*,刘宇. 2015. 鄱阳湖越冬水鸟栖息地评价湖泊科学, 27( 4) 719-726

  60.    陈彬, 于秀波*, 刘宇. 2015. 基于中低分辨率遥感影像的分类方法对比研究以鄱阳湖水鸟栖息地遥感分类为例. 长江流域资源与环境. 24(11)1834-1842

  61.   Xiewen Xiao, Yuyu Wang, Huan Zhang, Yu Xiubo Yu *. 2015. Effects of primary productivity and ecosystem size on food-chain length in Raohe River, China, Acta Ecoloigica Sinica. 35 29-34

  62.    Ayub Oduor, Xiubo Yu, Jian Liu. 2015. Applied evolutionary biology could aid management of invaded ecosystems. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. 1(6) 1-6.

  63.    张欢, 肖协文, 王玉玉, 于秀波*. 2015. 鄱阳湖流域饶河鱼类稳定同位素比值和营养级的空间变化. 湖泊科学. 27(4) 719-726

  64.    Armand Sedami Igor YEVIDEBingfang WuXiubo YuXiaosong LiYu LiuJian Liu. 2015. Building African Ecosystem Research Network for Sustaining Local Ecosystem Goods and Services. Chinese Geographical Science. 25(4)414–425

  65.    Xiaowei Li, Xiubo Yu*, Luguang Jiang, Wenye Li, Yu Liu, XiyongHou. 2014. How important are the wetlands in the middle-lower Yangtze Riverregion An ecosystem service valuation approach. Ecosystem Services 10 54~60 (SCI)

  66.    Yuyu Wang, Jun Xu, Xiubo Yu, Guangchun Lei. 2014. Fishing down or fishing up in Chinese freshwater Lakes. Fisheries Management and Ecology 21 374~382 (SCI)

  67.    Xiaowei Li, Gang Zhao, Xiubo Yu, Qiang Yu. 2014. A comparison of forest fire indices for predicting fire riskin contrasting climates in China. Natural Hazards 70(2) 1339~1356 (SCI)

  68.    李晓炜,付超,刘健,刘宇,封志明,于秀波*. 2014. 基于生态系统的适应(EBA)——概念、工具和案例. 地理科学进展, 33(7) 931~937.

  69.    周浩然,徐明,于秀波,刘本彩. 2014. 生物适应性和表型可塑性理论研究进展. 西北农林大学学报, 42(4) 215~228.

  70.    吴炳方, 刘健, 张林秀, 于秀波, 李发东, 李晓松. 2014. 非洲生态系统监测、研究和管理能力评估. 中国生态农业学报, 22(9) 995~1001.

  71.    于贵瑞, 于秀波. 2014. 近年来生态学研究热点透视基于中国生态大讲堂”100期主题演讲的总结. 地理科学进展, 33(7) 925~929.

  72.    孙鸿烈, 陈宜瑜, 于贵瑞, 于秀波. 2014. 国际重大研究计划与中国生态系统研究展望中国生态大讲堂百期学术演讲暨2014年春季研讨会评述. 地理科学进展, 33(7) 865~873.

  73.    于秀波姜鲁光谭炳卿袁文洁. 2013. 水污染联防助推淮河流域综合管理. 环境保护, 13 27~29.

  74.    李晓炜赵刚于秀波于强. 2013. 不同区域森林火灾对生态因子的响应及其概率模型. 生态学报, 33(4)1219~1229.

  75.    周杨明, 于秀波, . 2013. 生态指标研究的若干问题. 生态环境学报, 22(3) 541~546.

  76.    于贵瑞, . 2013. 中国生态系统研究网络与自然生态系统保护. 中国科学院院刊, 28(2) 275~283.

  77.    张全军于秀波*胡斌华. 2013. 鄱阳湖南矶湿地植物群落分布特征研究. 资源科学, 35(1) 42~49.

  78.    Yuyu Wang, Xiubo Yu *, Lu Zhang, Guangchun Lei. 2013. Seasonal variability in baseline δ15N and usage as a nutrient indicator in Lake Poyang, China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 28(30) 365-373. (SCI)

  79.    Guobin Fu, Jingjie Yu, Xiubo Yu, Rulin Ouyang, Yichi Zhang, Ping Wang, Wenbin Liu, Leilei Min. 2013. Temporal variation of extreme rainfall events in China, 1961-2009. Journal of Hydrology, 487 48-59.

  80.    Quentin Grafton, Michele Warburton, Qiang Jiang, Jamie Pittock, Bradley Udall, Tom Kompas, Amanda Lynch, Richard Davis, Ronnie McKenzie, John Williams, Xiubo Yu, Richard Norris, Fu Guobin, Nhu Che, Daniel Connell, Hugh Possingham. 2013. Global insights into water resources, climate change and governance. Nature Climate Change, 3(4), 315-321. (SCI)

  81.    Kirti Avishek, Xiubo Yu, Jian Liu. 2012. Ecosystem management in Asia Pacific Bridging science–policy gap. Environmental Development, 3 77-90. (SCI)

  82.    Yuyu Wang, Xiubo Yu *, Jun Xu, Wenhuan Li, Na Fan. 2012. Temporal variation of energy sources in a floodplain lake fish community. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 1–9. (SCI)

  83.    R. Quentin Grafton, Jamie Pittock, Richard Davis, John Williams, Guobin Fu, Michele Warburton, Bradley Udall, Ronnie McKenzie, Xiubo Yu, Nhu Che, Daniel Connell, Jiang Qiang, Tom Kompas, Amanda Lynch, Richard Norris, Hugh Possingham and John Quiggin. 2012. Global insights into water resources, climate change and governance. Nature Climate Change.1-7. (SCI)

  84.    Xiaowei LI, Guobin FU, Melanie J. B. ZEPPEL, Xiubo YU, Gang ZHAO, Derek EAMUS and Qiang YU. 2012. Probability Models of Fire Risk Based on Forest Fire Indices in Contrasting Climates over China.Journal of Resources and Ecology 3 (2) 105~117

  85.    袁文洁,潘明麒,于秀波*.2012.美国科罗拉多河高速水流实验对下游水生生态系统的影响及启示. 湿地科学与管理.201282),49~53

  86.    肖协文,于秀波*,潘明麒美国南佛罗里达大沼泽湿地恢复规划、实施及启示.湿地科学与管理. 201283),31~35

  87.    李鹏,姜鲁光,封志明,于秀波. 2012. 生态系统服务竞争与协同研究进展. 3216):5219-5229

  88.    张全军,于秀波*,钱建鑫,熊挺. 2012.鄱阳湖南矶湿地优势植物群落及土壤有机质和营养元素分布特征. 生态学报. 3212),3656~3669

  89.    郭延凤,于秀波*,姜鲁光,查良松. 2012. 基于CLUE模型的2030年江西省土地利用变化情景分析. 地理研究. 316),1016~1028

  90.    鄢帮有,周杨明,于秀波. 2012.论生态指标在生态学和政策之间的桥梁作用. 长江流域资源与环境. 721):869~874

  91.    Yuyu Wang, Xiubo Yu *and Jun Xu. 2011. Decreased trophic position as a function of increasing body size of a benthic omnivorous fish from the largest freshwater lake in China. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 91505–512. (SCI)

  92.    YuYu Wang, XiuBo Yu *, WenHua Li, Jun Xu, YuWei Chen and Na Fan. 2011. Potential influence of water level changes on energy flows in a lake food web. Chinese Science Bulleting. Vol.56 No.26 2794?2802. (SCI)

  93.    Yihe Lv, Bojie Fu, Wei Wei, Xiubo Yu *, Ranhao Sun. 2011. Major Ecosystems in China Dynamics and Challenges for Sustainable Management. Environmental Management, 4813–27.SCI

  94.    齐述华,蒋梅鑫,于秀波. 2011. 基于遥感和ULSE模型评价1995-2005年江西土壤侵蚀. 317):1197~1203

  95.    Fu Bojie, Li Shenggong, Yu Xiubo, Yang Ping and Yu Guiri. 2010. Chinese ecosystem research network Progress and perspectives. Ecological Complexity, 7 225-233.SCI

  96.    Dorri G. J. te Boekhorst, Toine J. M. Smits, Xiubo Yu, Lifeng Li, Gang Lei, Chen Zhang. 2010. Implementing Integrated River Basin Management in China. Ecology and Society, 15(2) 99-119.SCI

  97.    潘明麒,于秀波*. 不同时段洞庭湖区土地利用/ 覆被变化及退田还湖的影响. 中国人口资源与环境. 2010 年 资源科学. 20卷第9 . 140-145

  98.    徐志刚,马瑞,于秀波,姜鲁光,王毅. 成本效益、政策机制与生态恢复建设的可持续发展整体视角下对我国生态保护建设工程及政策的评价. 2010.中国软科学. 2. 5-16

  99.    贺娟,舒晓波,于秀波*. 鄱阳湖区农户对湿地生态系统服务认知的调查与分析. 2010 4. 资源科学. 32 卷第4 . 776-781

  100.于秀波,夏少霞,何洪林,鄢帮有,方豫. 鄱阳湖流域主要生态系统服务综合监测评估方法. 20105. 资源科学. 32卷第5. 810-816

  101.刘影,范娜,于秀波*,夏少霞,齐述华. 基于RSGIS的鄱阳湖天然湿地边界确定及季节变化分析. 2010. 资源科学. 32卷第11. 2239-2245

  102.夏少霞,于秀波*,范娜. 鄱阳湖越冬季候鸟栖息地面积与水位变化的关系. 201011. 资源科学. 32卷第11. 2072-2078

  103.姜鲁光,封志明,于秀波,甄霖,黄河清. 2010. 退田还湖后鄱阳湖区洪水调蓄功能的多情景模拟. 资源科学, 32(1) 817-823.

  104.Xiubo Yu, Lugguang Jiang, Lifeng Li, Jinxin Wang, Limin Wang, Gang Lei,  Jamie Pittock. 2009. Freshwater management and climate change adaptation Experiences from the central Yangtze in China. Climate and Development, 1(3) 241-248.SSCI

  105.王玉玉,于秀波*,张亮等. 2009. 应用碳、氮稳定同位素研究鄱阳湖枯水末期水生食物网结构. 生态学报, 29(3) 1181-1188.

  106.杨萍,于秀波,庄绪亮,牛栋. 2008. 中国科学院中国生态系统研究网络(CERN)的现状及未来发展思路. 中国科学院院刊, 23(6)  555-561.

  107.周杨明,于秀波,于贵瑞. 2008. 生态系统评估的国际案例及其经验. 地球科学进展, 23(11) 1209-1217.

  108.周杨明,于秀波,鄢帮有. 2008. 1949-2005年江西省农田养分平衡动态的宏观分析江西农业大学学报,  35(5) 919-926.

  109.王毅, 王学军, 于秀波, 王亚华. 2008. 推进流域综合管理的相关政策建议.环境保护, 405 22-24.

  110.王忠锁,姜鲁光,黄明杰,张琛,于秀波. 2007. 赤水河流域生物多样性保护现状和对策. 长江流域资源与环境, 16(2) 175-180.

  111.王毅,于秀波,王亚华. 2007. 改善流域环境质量:体制改革与优先行动.环境保护,07B 43-15.

  112.周杨明,于秀波,于贵瑞. 2007.自然资源和生态系统管理的生态系统方法:概念、原则与应用. 地球科学进展,22(2) 171-178.

  113.于秀波,付超. 2007. 美国长期生态系统研究网络的战略规划-走向综合科学的未来. 地球科学进展, 22(10) 1087-1093.

  114.于秀波,张琛,潘明麒. 2006. 退田还湖后替代生计的经济评估研究以洞庭湖西畔山洲垸为例. 长江流域资源与环境, 15(5) 632-636.

  115.于秀波. 2006. 生态评估服务于国家生态保护与修复决策. 资源科学, 28(4) 10.

  116.S. Elizabeth Birnbaum, Xiubo Yu. 2006. NGO Strategies to Promote River Protection and Restoration. China Environment Series, 8 185-190.

  117.李黔湘, 于秀波*, 李家永. 2005. 湖北省涨渡湖流域湿地变化及其动因分析.长江流域资源与环境, 14(5) 600-604.

  118.Jun Ma, XuejunWang, Xiubo Yu. 2005. Water Conflict Resolution in China. China Environment Series, 7 399-105.

  119.杨桂山, 于秀波. 2005. 国外流域综合管理的实践经验. 中国水利, 10 59-61.

  120.王海英,姚畋,王传胜,于秀波.长江中游水生生物多样性保护面临的威胁和压力. 2004. 13卷第5.长江流域资源与环境. 429-433.

  121.于秀波. 2003. 澳大利亚墨累——达令流域管理的经验. 江西科学, 2l(3) 151-155.

  122.于秀波. 2002. 我国生态退化、生态恢复及政策保障研究. 资源科学, 24(1) 72—76.





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