主要研究成果:阐明高寒矮嵩草草甸种间关系存在负(竞争)与正(协助型)相互作用。植物种间关系影响植物与土壤微生物对不同形态氮素利用的竞争强度。高寒矮嵩草草甸土壤有机质分解主要受低温和易分解性碳匮乏的控制。升温和外加碳对土壤碳、氮矿化影响显著,而外加氮对碳、氮矿化影响不明显。在国内、外刊物、会议上发表学术论文30余篇, 其中SCI收录第一作者7篇。
1. Minghua Song, Deyu Duan, Hui Chen, Qiwu Hu, Feng Zhang, Xingliang Xu, Yuqiang Tian, Hua Ouyang and Changhui Peng 2008. Leaf d13C reflects ecosystem patterns and responses of alpine plants to the environments on the Tibetan Plateau Ecography 31: 499_508.
2. Minghua Song , Xingliang Xu, Qiwu Hu, Yuqiang Tian, Hua Ouyang, Caiping Zhou 2007. Interactions of plant species mediated plant competition for inorganic nitrogen with soil microorganisms in an alpine meadow. Plant and Soil 297:127-137.
3. Minghua Song, Yuqiang Tian, Xingliang Xu, Qiwu Hu, Hua Ouyang 2006. Interactions between root and shoot competition among four plant species in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Acta Oecologica 29(2):214-220.
4. Minghua Song, Caiping Zhou & Hua Ouyang 2005. Simulated vegetation distributions in response to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Vegetation Science 16(3): 331-340.
5.Minghua Song, Caiping Zhou, Hua Ouyang 2004. Distributions of major dominant tree species under current and future climate scenarios in the Tibetan Plateau. Mountain Research & Development,24(2):166--173.
6. Song, Minghua & Dong, Ming. Clonal plants and plant species diversity in wetland ecosystems in China. Journal of vegetation Science. 2002,13:237-244.
7. Song, Minghua, Dong, Ming & Jiang Gaoming. Clonal plants’ importance and plant species diversity in the communities along the Northeast China Transect. Ecological Research 2002, 17 (6): 705-716.