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中国科学院生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室CERN综合研究中心研究成果与发展?? |
自然资源学报 |
2010 |
瘤胃微生物对结构性碳水化合物的降解机制研究进展 |
荣辉; 余成群; 孙维等 |
草业科学 |
2010 |
Spatio-temporal variations determine plant–microbe competition for inorganic nitrogen in an alpine meadow |
徐兴良*,欧阳华, Andreas Richter等 |
Journal of Ecology |
2011 |
Evaluating the effects of alternative forest management plans under various physiographic settings using historical records as a reference |
张扬建, Hong S. He, Stephen R. Shifley等 |
Journal of Environmental Management |
2011 |
Top-down control of herbivores varies with ecosystem types |
张扬建 and Jonathan Adams |
Journal of Ecology |
2011 |
Does insect folivory vary with latitude among temperate deciduous forests? |
张扬建,Jonathan Adams, Dehai Zhao |
Ecological research |
2011 |
Effects of temperature, glucose and inorganic nitrogen inputs on carbon mineralization in a Tibetan alpine meadow soil |
宋明华,蒋婧,曹广民等 |
European Journal of Soil Biology |
2010 |
Effects of permafrost degradation on ecosystems |
杨兆平, 欧阳华,徐兴良等 |
Acta Ecologica Sinica |
2010 |
Grazing Intensity Impacts Ioil Carbon and Nitrogen Storage of Continental Steppe |
何念鹏, Y. H. Zhang, Q. Yu 等 |
Ecosphere |
2011 |
Nitrogen-15 Signals of Leaf-litter-soil Continuum as a Possible Indicator of Ecosystem Nitrogen Saturation by Forest Succession and N Loads |
方华军,于贵瑞,Shulan Cheng等 |
Biogeochemistry |
2011 |
N2O flux from the native and grazed semi-arid steppes and their driving factors in Inner Mongolia, China |
刘杏认,董云社,齐玉春等 |
李胜功 |
Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst |
2010 |
86 |
231–240 |
Evapotranspiration from a Mongolian steppe under grazing and its environmental constraints |
李胜功, Asanuma J, Kotani A等 |
Journal of Hydrology |
2007 |
Plant water sources in the cold semiarid ecosystem of the upper Kherlen River catchment in Mongolia: A stable isotope approach |
李胜功, Romero-Saltos H, Tsujimura M |
Journal of Hydrology |
2007 |
Temporal variation of δ13C of larch leaves from a montane boreal forest in Mongolia |
李胜功, Tsujimura M, Sugimoto A等 |
Trees-Structure and Function |
2007 |
Response of gross ecosystem productivity, light use efficiency, and water use efficiency of Mongolian steppe to seasonal variations in soil moisture |
李胜功, Werner Eugster , Jun Asanuma等 |
Journal of Geophysical Research |
2008 |
1985年~2000年西藏地区景观格局变化及影响因子分析 |
曾加芹; 欧阳华; 牛树奎等 |
干旱区资源与环境 |
2008 |
基于多项植被指数的景观生态类型遥感解译与分类——以额济纳天然绿洲景观为例 |
曹宇; 陈辉; 欧阳华等 |
自然资源学报 |
2006 |
额济纳天然绿洲景观健康评价 |
曹宇,欧阳华,肖笃宁 |
应用生态学报 |
2005 |
额济纳天然绿洲景观变化及其生态环境效应 |
曹宇,欧阳华,肖笃宁等 |
地理研究 |
2005 |
1981~2000年中国陆地生态系统碳通量的年际变化(英文) |
曹明奎,陶波,李克让等 |
Acta Botanica Sinica |
2003 |