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中国科学院生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室CERN综合研究中心研究成果与发展?? 自然资源学报 2010
瘤胃微生物对结构性碳水化合物的降解机制研究进展 荣辉; 余成群; 孙维等 草业科学 2010
Spatio-temporal variations determine plant–microbe competition for inorganic nitrogen in an alpine meadow 徐兴良*,欧阳华, Andreas Richter等 Journal of Ecology 2011
Evaluating the effects of alternative forest management plans under various physiographic settings using historical records as a reference 张扬建, Hong S. He, Stephen R. Shifley等 Journal of Environmental Management 2011
Top-down control of herbivores varies with ecosystem types 张扬建 and Jonathan Adams Journal of Ecology 2011
Does insect folivory vary with latitude among temperate deciduous forests? 张扬建,Jonathan Adams, Dehai Zhao Ecological research 2011
Effects of temperature, glucose and inorganic nitrogen inputs on carbon mineralization in a Tibetan alpine meadow soil 宋明华,蒋婧,曹广民等 European Journal of Soil Biology 2010
Effects of permafrost degradation on ecosystems 杨兆平, 欧阳华,徐兴良等 Acta Ecologica Sinica 2010
Grazing Intensity Impacts Ioil Carbon and Nitrogen Storage of Continental Steppe 何念鹏, Y. H. Zhang, Q. Yu 等 Ecosphere 2011
Nitrogen-15 Signals of Leaf-litter-soil Continuum as a Possible Indicator of Ecosystem Nitrogen Saturation by Forest Succession and N Loads 方华军,于贵瑞,Shulan Cheng等 Biogeochemistry 2011
N2O flux from the native and grazed semi-arid steppes and their driving factors in Inner Mongolia, China 刘杏认,董云社,齐玉春等 李胜功 Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst 2010 86 231–240
Evapotranspiration from a Mongolian steppe under grazing and its environmental constraints 李胜功, Asanuma J, Kotani A等 Journal of Hydrology 2007
Plant water sources in the cold semiarid ecosystem of the upper Kherlen River catchment in Mongolia: A stable isotope approach 李胜功, Romero-Saltos H, Tsujimura M Journal of Hydrology 2007
Temporal variation of δ13C of larch leaves from a montane boreal forest in Mongolia 李胜功, Tsujimura M, Sugimoto A等 Trees-Structure and Function 2007
Response of gross ecosystem productivity, light use efficiency, and water use efficiency of Mongolian steppe to seasonal variations in soil moisture 李胜功, Werner Eugster , Jun Asanuma等 Journal of Geophysical Research 2008
1985年~2000年西藏地区景观格局变化及影响因子分析 曾加芹; 欧阳华; 牛树奎等 干旱区资源与环境 2008
基于多项植被指数的景观生态类型遥感解译与分类——以额济纳天然绿洲景观为例 曹宇; 陈辉; 欧阳华等 自然资源学报 2006
额济纳天然绿洲景观健康评价 曹宇,欧阳华,肖笃宁 应用生态学报 2005
额济纳天然绿洲景观变化及其生态环境效应 曹宇,欧阳华,肖笃宁等 地理研究 2005
1981~2000年中国陆地生态系统碳通量的年际变化(英文) 曹明奎,陶波,李克让等 Acta Botanica Sinica 2003
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